StudiumFachbereicheNaturwissenschaften und MathematikBiologieMolecular and Cellular BiosciencesUni HalleProfilBachelor und Master

Molecular and Cellular Biosciences

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg / Uni Halle
Master of Science — 120 LP / Master of Science — 120 LP
study profile image

Molecular and Cellular Biosciences

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Unsere Angebote für diese Studienrichtung:

Molecular and Cellular BiosciencesMaster-Studiengang

Allgemeine Informationen

Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Umfang 120 LP
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semester
Studienbeginn Wintersemester und Sommersemester
Studienform Direktstudium, Vollzeitstudium, Internationaler Studiengang
Hauptunterrichtssprache English
Zulassungsbeschränkung zulassungsbeschränkt (Uni-NC)
Fachspezifische Zulassungsvoraussetzungen ja (Details)
Fakultät Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I - Biowissenschaften
Institut Institut für Biologie
Akkreditierung akkreditiert

Charakteristik und Ziele

The international master’s programme MSc Molecular and Cellular Biosciences aims at providing a broad theoretical and methodological understanding of cellular functions at the molecular level, enabling students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge in one or more areas of molecular and cellular biology.

The study programme is designed to broaden and develop the students‘ ability to work systematically and scientifically, and to train logic-based analytical thinking in order to enable them to carry out scientific research independently in the molecular biosciences. Students will acquire knowledge in recognizing and identifying scientific problems, developing structured approaches to address these scientific problems, to solve key questions experimentally and ultimately expand our knowledge of the subject area. In a collaborative and problem-oriented manner, students will be trained in working as a team with colleagues from different disciplines and to apply basic knowledge in a practical way. The MSc Molecular and Cellular Biosciences 120 CP is strongly research-oriented and both lectures and examinations are held in English.


The MSc Molecular and Cellular Biosciences qualifies for positions in the following areas:

  • university research
  • PhD positions
  • research-oriented institutes
  • industry
  • production
  • administration
  • diagnostics
  • public service


This study programme is accredited (details).


The programme covers all aspects relevant for the research and the solution of bioscience-related issues. The curriculum is organised in a way that students are able to graduate from the programme within the regular period of study of 4 semesters.

A: Compulsory modules (75 CP)


CPrec. sem.
Fundamentals in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences151
Project study 'Molecular and Cellular Biosciences'153
Research internship 'Molecular and Cellular Biosciences'153
Research project module (Master's Thesis) 'Molecular and Cellular Biosciences'304

B: Project modules (Elective modules) (45 CP)

Three project modules (15 CP each) have to be successfully completed, at least two of them from the Institute of Biology's offer (B1).

ModuleCPrec. sem.
B1: project modules offered by the Institute of Biology
At least 30 CP must be obtained from the B1 elective modules on offer.
Project module Developmental Biology / Projektmodul Entwicklungsbiologie (MSc)151 or 2
Project module Molecular Animal Physiology / Projektmodul Molekulare Tierphysiologie (MSc)151 or 2
Project module Molecular Genetics of Root Nodulation Symbiosis / Projektmodul Molekulargenetik der Wurzelknöllchen-Symbiose (MSc)15

1 or 2

Project module Molecular Biology of Organelles / Projektmodul Molekularbiologie von Organellen


1 or 2

Project module Molecular Cell Biology (MSc)


1 or 2

Project module Molecular Mechanisms in Developmental Genetics / Projektmodul Molekulare Mechanismen in der Entwicklungsgenetik (MSc)151 or 2
Project module Molecular Microbiology / Projektmodul Molekulare Mikrobiologie (MSc)151 or 2
Project module Molecular Physiology of
Microorganisms / Molekulare Physiologie der Mikroorganismen (MSc)
151 or 2
Project module Molecular Phytopathology and Plant Immunity / Projektmodul Molekulare Phytopathologie und pflanzliche Immunität (MSc)151 or 2

Project module Plant Development and Stress Responses / Projektmodul Pflanzliche Entwicklung und Stressantworten

151 or 2
B2: project modules offered by other institutes 
A maximum of 15 CP can be obtained from the B2 elective modules on offer.
151 or 2
Projektmodul Molekulare Ernährungs- und Ertrags-physiologie der Pflanze / Project module Molecular Physiology of Plant Nutrition and Crop Yield151 or 2
Projektmodul Nukleinsäurebiochemie151 or 2
Projektmodul Pflanzenbiochemie151 or 2
Projektmodul Zellbiochemie und Virologie151 or 2

The content, learning objectives, workload, requirements and prerequisites of specific modules are published in the module catalogue and in the study and examination regulations, respectively. 


Applicants for the MSc Molecular and Cellular Biosciences must

  • hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent degree in a bioscience-oriented study programme,

  • pass the programme-specific test and

  • prove good knowledge of written and spoken English.

The bachelor's degree or equivalent degree must have been obtained in a bioscience-oriented or comparable degree programme in which knowledge totalling 55 credit points (CP) was acquired in at least four areas belonging to biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, cell biology, genetics or microbiology.

In addition, applicants must pass an online test on the basic knowledge and skills that will be considered for admission to the international master's programme. Participation in the test is automatically registered and the test result is sent to the selection committee. The test contains tasks in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, cell biology, genetics and microbiology, each with equal weighting. The computer-based (online) test is conducted in English by two examiners using the answer-choice method and takes 60 minutes.To pass the exam, 35 per cent of the maximum score must be achieved. The test can be taken at any time during the application period. A passed test is valid for one year and cannot be repeated within this period. A failed test can be repeated at the earliest on the next test date. You can access the online test here.

Further information on registration, dates and procedures is published on the website of the Institute of Biology.

Applicants must also prove their English language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate, Unicert II, or an equivalent (inter)nationally recognised language certificate attesting upper B2level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) with the following results:

  • TOEFL iBT (min. 90/120),TOEFL CBT (min. 235/300), or TOEFL PBT (min. 580/677),
  • IELTS (min. band 6.5),
  • Cambridge Certificate (min. 173/230),
  • UNIcert II,
  • equivalent (inter)nationally recognised language certificate with at least 75% of the maximum score achievable in the respective certificate.

However, proof of language proficiency is not required if the first degree was obtained in a study programme taught in English.

Basic knowledge of the fundamental scientific subjects of physics and maths are strongly recommended.

Decisions on compliance with the admission requirements are taken by a committee appointed by the Faculty Council.

If the study programme is subject to admission restrictions and the number of applications exceeds the number of available study places, the available study places are allocated according to the Study Place Allocation Regulations of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt (Studienplatzvergabeverordnung Sachsen-Anhalt) and the regulations governing the selection procedure for the master's degree programme Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (selection regulations, i.e. Auswahlordnung) in the currently valid version. In this process, 50% of all study places are awarded to international applicants who do not have the same status as German applicants.

This chapter consists of excerpts roughly translated into English. Only the study and examination regulations are legally binding.


The admission to the MSc Molecular and Cellular Biosciences is currently restricted (Uni-NC).

Required documents

The following documents must be submitted with the application for admission:

  1. A hard copy of your bachelor's degree or equivalent (i.e., graduation certificate and transcripts). Important note: Applicants via uni-assist upload their certificates and transcripts (both in original language and official translations, unless the originals are in English or in German) with their online application. For those applicants it is not necessary to hand in any additional hard documents.

  2. Halle University does accept provisional graduation certificates, if your degree is scheduled after the application deadline. Please submit your transcripts indicating minimum 2/3 of your total credits to be passed / your senior student stage, accordingly.  The final graduation certificate shall be submitted with enrolment, however, by no later than 31 January in the year following admission (winter semester) and 31 July in the year of admission (summer semester), respectively.

  3. Participation in the test (see admission requirements) is automatically registered and the test result is sent to the selection committee. If proof of test participation is (additionally) issued, please submit it with the other documents listed.

  4. Proof of English language proficiency (see admission requirements).

  5. Proof of relevant knowledge acquired with former studies in at least four of the following areas: biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, cell biology, genetics and/or microbiology (see admission requirements) (Please provide additional proof if it is not reflected in your graduation certificate and/or course and grade overview).

  6. Proof of relevant knowledge acquired with former studies in the following areas (Please provide additional proof if it is not reflected in your graduation certificate and/or course and grade overview):

  • Basic courses in botany, genetics, microbiology, zoology, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology
  • Thesis: Relevant topic in life sciences (evidence of (experimental) work in molecular biology, if applicable).

Relevant knowledge will be considered and awarded with ranking points as part of the admission procedure. For detailed information on the selection procedure, please see the selection regulations.

Fulfilment of the admission requirements does not constitute a claim to a study place for this programme.

This chapter consists of excerpts roughly translated into English. Only the study and examination regulations are legally binding.

Information for international applicants

For any questions regarding application and admission - except eligibility - please see website or contact the International Students Section (Student Registration Office) via

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profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
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Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
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Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
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Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
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Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
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