Christianity in Global Transformations
Komplett und maßgeschneidert
Von A wie Agrarwissenschaften bis Z wie Zahnmedizin - das Studienangebot an der Uni Halle ist riesig. Mehr als 240 Studienangebote gibt es insgesamt und mehr als die Hälfte davon haben keinen NC, stehen also zur freien Einschreibung zur Verfügung!
Aber das ist längst nicht alles! Sehr viele der angebotenen Studienfächer lassen sich miteinander kombinieren. So kannst du genau das studieren, was dich interessiert – und dir dein Studium „auf den Leib schneidern“.
Unsere Angebote für diese Studienrichtung:
Christianity in Global TransformationsMaster-Studiengang
Allgemeine Informationen
Studienabschluss | Master of Arts (M.A.) |
Umfang | 120 LP |
Regelstudienzeit | 4 Semester |
Studienbeginn | nur Wintersemester |
Studienform | Direktstudium, Vollzeitstudium, Internationaler Studiengang |
Hauptunterrichtssprache | English |
Zulassungsbeschränkung | zulassungsfrei (ohne NC) |
Fachspezifische Zulassungsvoraussetzungen | ja (Details) |
Fakultät | Theologische Fakultät |
Akkreditierung | nicht akkreditiert, Akkreditierung in Vorbereitung |
Charakteristik und Ziele
The four-semester master’s programme Christianity in Global Transformations (hereinafter referred to as CGT) offers an advanced approach to Christianity and its theological dimensions. The aim of the international master’s degree is to enable graduates to critically examine the role of Christianity in global transformations from an interdisciplinary perspective. The focus is on the global diversity of “Christianities” and their social and religious-cultural processes that (de)stabilize and (re)shape the diverse variants of Christianity in their contexts. This is particularly true in view of common global and local challenges such as climate change, social injustice, religiously legitimized violence, emigration and immigration as well as dealing with intercultural and interreligious differences, to name but a few.
The programme combines theoretical studies and practical experiences. After a broad overview of the topics in the first semester, you will have the chance to focus on one of the possible majors: „Biblical Studies in Global Entanglements “, „Global Christianity and Religious Studies “& „Systematic Theology and Practical Studies “. The third semester is dedicated to an internship (academic exchange or practical work), while the fourth semester is reserved for the composition of a master’s thesis in the field of your chosen specialization.
This turns CGT in Halle into a unique study programme providing a broad overview as the essential base for a critical analysis and engagement with the role of today’s Christianity and religion in general. At the same time, it allows specialisation that combines practice and theory, always considering current challenges and global transformation processes.
The degree programme qualifies students for a career in work fields that deal with diverse forms of Christianity in social transformation processes by imparting subject-specific knowledge and methodological-analytical skills relevant to the professional field and can furthermore provide a basis for further doctoral studies. It equips students with a focus on current transformation processes which leaves them well-prepared for any occupation in ecclesiastical, cultural or political institutions, interreligious dialogue as well as in the field of NGO’s, journalism, media, science or education.
If you are aiming for a career in a church, Halle offers close links to various regional and ecumenical church organisations and practical training opportunities.
Struktur des Studiums
The programme is structured as follows:
- Compulsory modules (40 CP)
- Master's thesis (30 CP)
- Electives - Major: Specialisation (25 CP)
- Electives - Minor and Interdisciplinary Specialisation (25 CP)
Module | CP | rec. sem. |
Compulsory modules (70 CP) | ||
Basic module: Biblical Studies in Global Entanglements | 5 | 1 |
Basic module: Religious Studies and Global Christianities | 5 | 1 |
Basic module: Systematics and Practical Studies | 5 | 1 |
Colloquium module 1 | 5 | 1 |
Colloquium module 2 | 5 | 3 |
Internship module 1 | 15 | 3 |
Thesis Module "Master Christianity in Global Transformations" | 30 | 4 |
Electives (50 CP) | ||
An internship (duration: 360 hours) is integrated into the international master's degree programme as an independent module with 15 credit points. It is possible to split the internship upon application. The faculty appoints an internship coordinator to advise on internship-related questions. This person advises on internship-related questions. The internship is organised independently by the student. It is recommended to seek advice from the internship coordinator before starting the internship.
Applicants for the MA Christianity in Global Transformations must
hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a theological, religious studies or comparable religion-related degree programme, each with at least 60 ECTS in religious studies modules
- prove good knowledge of written and spoken English.
Applicants prove their English language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate, Unicert II, German Abitur or an equivalent (inter)nationally recognised language certificate attesting B2level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Proof of language proficiency is not required if the first degree was obtained in a study programme taught in English.
The admission to the M.A. Christianity in Global Transformations is currently not restricted (no NC).
Applicants with a German bachelor's degree (or equivalent) please apply via by 31 August.
- Applicants with a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) from abroad please apply via by 15 June. > Information and Application procedure
Required documents
The following documents must be submitted with the application for admission:
A hard copy of your bachelor's degree or equivalent (i.e., graduation certificate and transcripts). Important note: Applicants via uni-assist upload their certificates and transcripts (both in original language and official translations, unless the originals are in English or in German) with their online application. For those applicants it is not necessary to hand in any additional hard documents.
Halle University does accept provisional graduation certificates, if your degree is scheduled after the application deadline. Please submit your transcripts indicating minimum 2/3 of your total credits to be passed / your senior student stage, accordingly. The final graduation certificate shall be submitted with enrolment, respectively by no later than 31 January in the year following admission.
Suitable proof of religious knowledge acquired with former studies at a university (see admission requirements) (Please provide additional proof if it is not reflected in your graduation certificate and/or course and grade overview).
Recognised proof of the proficiency in English language (see admission requirements)
Decisions on compliance with the admission requirements are taken by the selection committee.
Fulfilment of the admission requirements does not constitute a claim to a study place for this programme.
This chapter consists of excerpts roughly translated into English. Only the study and examination regulations are legally binding.
Information for international applicants
For any questions regarding application and admission - except eligibility - please see website or contact the International Students Section (Student Registration Office) via
As birthplace of the Reformation and worldwide Protestant mission, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) has played a profound role in shaping global Christianity as we know it today. This complex historical legacy invites critical reflection on the ambivalent role of Christianity — and religion more broadly — in global transformations.
Besides this historical frame, the city of Halle is situated in the midst of Germany - a country between Global East and Global West. It is a lively medium-sized city with an eminent cultural and subcultural scene, rooted in the student life of several academic institutions (art college, college for sacred music, university etc.). There are various choirs, campus sports, project groups or gardening projects and other leisure activities which will help you settle in quickly. The thousand-year-old city also offers a rich cultural programme (e.g. museums, theatres, opera, historical sites, music clubs and art events), beautiful nature and a friendly atmosphere. Halle is also well-connected to nearby cities such as Leipzig and Berlin, so you can explore more of Germany during your study time.
Studying in Halle means being part of a lively, but not stressful place and experiencing historical sites in transformation: art, music & religion on the move.