StudiumFachbereicheNaturwissenschaften und MathematikBiologieBiodiversity SciencesUni HalleProfilMaster

Biodiversity Sciences

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg / Uni Halle
Master of Science — 120 LP / Master of Science — 120 LP
study profile image

Biodiversity Sciences

Komplett und maßgeschneidert

Von A wie Agrarwissenschaften bis Z wie Zahnmedizin - das Studienangebot an der Uni Halle ist riesig. Mehr als 240 Studienangebote gibt es insgesamt und mehr als die Hälfte davon haben keinen NC, stehen also zur freien Einschreibung zur Verfügung!

Aber das ist längst nicht alles! Sehr viele der angebotenen Studienfächer lassen sich miteinander kombinieren. So kannst du genau das studieren, was dich interessiert – und dir dein Studium „auf den Leib schneidern“.

Unsere Angebote für diese Studienrichtung:

Biodiversity SciencesMaster-Studiengang

Allgemeine Informationen

Studienabschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Umfang 120 LP
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semester
Studienbeginn nur Wintersemester
Studienform Direktstudium, Vollzeitstudium, Internationaler Studiengang
Hauptunterrichtssprache English
Zulassungsbeschränkung zulassungsbeschränkt (Uni-NC)
Fachspezifische Zulassungsvoraussetzungen ja (Details)
Fakultät Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I - Biowissenschaften
Institut Institut für Biologie
Akkreditierung nicht akkreditiert, Akkreditierung in Vorbereitung

Charakteristik und Ziele

The international master's programme MSc Biodiversity Sciences aims to scientifically convey how the state and changes of biodiversity can be quantified across space and time, what evolutionary and ecological processes underlie them and what consequences arise from biodiversity changes for humans. Biodiversity forms the foundation for all ecosystem functions and human well-being on Earth. While the study programme is based on the fundamentals of the natural sciences, it has a strong interdisciplinary component. In the last decades, we have encountered a dramatic loss in and restructuring of biodiversity. As biodiversity and its change are strongly linked to society, the programme has a strong interdisciplinary component, addressing the options of how biodiversity can be maintained and integrated into the management of our planet’s resources. To achieve these goals, various disciplines are engaged in the master's programme, from organismic to molecular biology, biogeochemistry, landscape ecology, natural resource management and bioinformatics to interfaces with socio-ecological sciences.

Students acquire the skills to collect, statistically analyze and visualize biodiversity data themselves. They will gain an understanding of the different levels of biodiversity, which includes genetic diversity as well as the diversity of species, habitats and functions. This is achieved, on the one hand, by teaching theories and data analysis, and, on the other hand, through laboratory practicals, field studies and excursions. The expertise acquired includes a profound knowledge of species, which also enables in-depth specialization in certain species groups, and, in addition, the ability not only to present the research results of biodiversity research scientifically, but also to communicate them to political decision-makers, interest groups and the public and to implement them in practice.

The consecutive study programme has a strong research orientation enabling students to work systematically and scientifically and to conduct independent scientific research. Other important study goals are interdisciplinary knowledge as well as communication and teamwork skills. The international character of scientific research is taken into account by conducting the study programme, i.e. the lectures and examinations, entirely in English.


The MSc Biodiversity Sciences 120 CP qualifies for positions in the following areas:

  • Basic research on all aspects of biodiversity
  • Subject-specific teaching tasks
  • International development cooperation on biodiversity conservation
  • Private sector: consulting, management and planning
  • Public sector: biodiversity monitoring and administration
  • Political consultancy

The programme also qualifies for PhD positions. 


The study programme is not yet accredited. The accreditation is in preparation.

Struktur des Studiums

The study programme is structured as follows:

  • Compulsory modules (45 CP)
  • Elective modules (45 CP)
  • Final module (Master's thesis and Public defense) (30 CP)


Compulsory modules ( 75 CP)


CPrec. sem.
Design of Research Studies51
Statistics in Biodiversity Sciences51
Excursions in Botany and Zoology52 or 4
Research Internship152 or 3

Project Study


3 or 4

Final Module (Master's thesis and Public defense)303 or 4

Project modules (Elective modules) (45 CP) 

ModuleCPrec. sem.
Project modules offered by the Institute of Biology  
Methods of Systematic Botany151 or 3
General Zoology152 or 4
Field Ecology152 or 4
Nature Conservation152 or 4
Spatial Ecology and Modelling151 or 3
Evolutionary Animal Ecology152 or 4
Collections and Biodiversity Research51 or 3

Project modules offered by Institute of Geosciences and Geography

Environmental Modelling and Simulation

52 or 4

Land System Science 1: Global Environmental Change

51 or 3

Land System Science 2: Climate and Ecosystems

51 or 3

Social-Ecological Systems 1: Spatial Modelling, Scenario Development and Impact Assessment I

101 or 3

Social-Ecological Systems 2: Spatial Modelling, Scenario Development and Impact Assessment II

52 or 4

Social-Ecological Systems 3: Academic Writing I

52 or 4

Social-Ecological Systems 4: Academic Writing II


Project modules offered by Institute of Agricultural and Nutrition Sciences

Management of soil organic matter

52 or 4
Soil Biogeochemical analysis51 or 3
Matter and material flow analysis51 or 3

Project modules offered by Institute of Computer Science

Modelling species distribution and biodiversity patterns

151 or 3
Statistical Data Analysis and Machine Learning in Biodiversity Research52
Computational Transcriptomics52 or 4
Computational Molecular Phylogenetics53
Computational Sequence Analysis53

The content, learning objectives, workload, requirements and prerequisites of specific modules are published in the module catalogue and in the study and examination regulations, respectively.  


Forschungsgruppenpraktika und Projektstudie: Vertiefung bestimmter Fachrichtungen als Vorbereitung auf die Masterarbeit unter Anleitung und im Team. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die theoretische und experimentelle Bearbeitung eines komplexen Biodiversitätsthemas (Forschungsgruppenpraktika) sowie die Aufarbeitung der zugrunde liegenden internationalen Literatur (Projektstudie).


Applicants for the MSc Biodiversity Sciences must

  • hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent degree (min. 180 credit points) in one of the following fields of studies: biology, ecology, biogeochemistry, landscape ecology, natural resource management or bioinformatics. Graduates of a comparable study programme may also be admitted.

  • prove good knowledge of written and spoken English.

Applicants must prove their English language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate, Unicert II, German Abitur or an equivalent internationally recognised language certificate attesting level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). However, proof of language proficiency is not required if the first degree was obtained in a study programme taught in English.

In addition, admission to the master's degree programme requires proof of comprehensive knowledge in organismic biology and species identification as well as experimental skills or experience in observational studies. Decisions on compliance with the subject-specific requirements and, if applicable, the admission requirements are taken by the selection committee in accordance with the selection regulations.

Basic knowledge in ecology, landscape ecology, biogeochemistry, natural resource management, bioinformatics, mathematics and statistics as well as socio-ecological sciences is strongly recommended.

This chapter consists of excerpts roughly translated into English. Only the study and examination regulations are legally binding.


The admission to the MSc Biodiversity Sciences is currently restricted (Uni-NC).

Required documents

The following documents must be submitted with the application for admission:

  1. A hard copy of your bachelor's degree or equivalent (i.e., graduation certificate and transcripts). Important note: Applicants via uni-assist upload their certificates and transcripts (both in original language and official translations, unless the originals are in English or in German) with their online application. For those applicants it is not necessary to hand in any additional hard documents.

  2. Halle University does accept provisional graduation certificates, if your degree is scheduled after the application deadline. Please submit your transcripts indicating minimum 2/3 of your total credits to be passed / your senior student stage, accordingly. The final graduation certificate shall be submitted with enrolment, respectively by no later than 31 January in the year following admission.

  3. Proof of English language proficiency (see admission requirements)

  4. A summary of the bachelor's thesis (as submitted or, if not yet submitted, the current version)

  5. Proof of other qualifications, i.e. long-term engagement in nature conservation associations or scientific societies, special taxonomic knowledge and civic activities in the field of biodiversity, programming skills, completed training in relevant occupations (e.g. gardener, forest manager, farmer, animal keeper, ranger, lab technician), and voluntary internships in a relevant field (preferably also abroad).

  6. Relevant knowledge acquired with former studies in the following areas (Please provide additional proof if it is not reflected in your graduation certificate and/or course and grade overview of the undergraduate degree programme): biology, ecology, biogeochemistry, landscape ecology, natural resource management and bioinformatics

Relevant knowledge will be considered and awarded with ranking points as part of the admission procedure.

For detailed information on the selection procedure, please see

Fulfilment of the admission requirements does not constitute a claim to a study place for this programme.

If the study programme is subject to admission restrictions and the number of applications exceeds the number of available study places, the available study places are allocated according to the Study Place Allocation Regulations of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt (Studienplatzvergabeverordnung Sachsen-Anhalt) and the regulations governing the selection procedure for the master's degree programme Biodiversity Sciences (selection regulations, i.e. Auswahlordnung) in the currently valid version. In this process, 50% of all study places are awarded to international applicants who do not have the same status as German applicants.

This chapter consists of excerpts roughly translated into English. Only the study and examination regulations are legally binding.

Information for international applicants

For any questions regarding application and admission - except eligibility - please see website or contact the International Students Section (Student Registration Office) via

Link zum Studienangebot der Uni-Halle

The study programme is embedded in numerous research projects carried out at Halle University (MLU). MLU together with partner research centres, such as the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, offer a high number of research platforms that are open for students’ projects. iDiv is a global hotspot in biodiversity science, with about 800 scientists in Central Germany working jointly and across disciplines on the key questions of biodiversity science.

In this context, MSc Biodiversity Sciences promotes cooperation between the various master's programmes in the field of biodiversity sciences at the universities of the Halle-Jena-Leipzig university network. Participation in modules in the corresponding study programmes is encouraged and can be recognised.

Übersicht Universität

Uni Halle › Master › Studienangebot

profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
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Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Angewandte Geowissenschaften (Applied Geosciences)
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Angewandte Sportpsychologie
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Angloamerikanische Literatur, Sprache und Kultur
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Arabistik / Islamwissenschaft
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
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Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Business Studies)
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Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
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Master of Science / M.Sc.
Biodiversity Sciences
Internationaler, konsekutiver, stark forschungsorientierter, englischsprachiger Masterstudiengang.
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Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Neue Informatikmethoden und experimentelle Techniken für biowissenschaftliche Fragen – der Mix bildet den Kern dieser nachhaltig wichtigen Studienrichtung.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, StEx. Lehramt Gymnasium, StEx. Lehramt Sekundarschule / B.Sc., M.Sc., StEx. GY, StEx. SK
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profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, StEx. Lehramt Gymnasium, StEx. Lehramt Sekundarschule / B.Sc., M.Sc., StEx. GY, StEx. SK
Sie begeistern sich für technische, organische bzw. anorganische Chemie, Toxikologie oder Polymerchemie? Studieren Sie Chemie in allen Facetten an der MLU!
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Master of Science / M.Sc.
Der weiterbildende Master Denkmalpflege vermittelt weiterführende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit historischer Bausubstanz. Das Programm ist workshoporientiert.
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)
Gewinnen Sie Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsprobleme von „Deutsch als Fremdsprache“ und vertiefen Sie Ihre sprachwissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
Deutsche Literatur und Kultur
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profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Deutsche Sprache und Literatur
Wer lesen will, muss schreiben können. Wer sprechen will, muss Sprache kennen. Wer schreiben will, muss lesen können. Studieren Sie Germanistik an der MLU!
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Economics: Data Science and Policy
Englischsprachiger wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Master-Studiengang
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
Englische Sprache und Literatur
Der Kombimaster vertieft und ergänzt die bereits erworbenen Kenntnisse auf den Gebieten der englischsprachigen Literatur-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Interesse für Humanernährung, Lebensmittelhygiene, alternative Ernährungsformen und Warenkunde? Studieren Sie Ernährungswissenschaften an der Uni Halle!
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Erneuerbare Energien
Die Schwerpunkte des Masters liegen auf Energieumwandlung, erneuerbare Energien und Energietechnik, Energiespeicherung und ökologische Energiewirtschaft.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Mit Erwachsenenbildung, Sozial- oder Rehabilitationspädagogik bietet das Studium eine praxisnahe Ausbildung für eine Breite außerschulischer Institutionen.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
Ethnologie / Social and Cultural Anthropology
Masterstudium an der MLU? Die Stadt Halle beherbergt eines der größten Zentren für Forschung und Lehre im Fach Ethnologie/Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie.
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Europäische und internationale Wirtschaft
Europas Identität wurzelt in seinen Regionen. Die regionale Vielfalt ist Kern des europäischen Selbstverständnisses und Motor der europäischen Wirtschaft.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Kirchlicher Abschluss, Master of Arts / B.A., Kirchlicher Abschluss, M.A.
Evangelische Theologie
An der MLU erwartet Sie ein vielseitiges geisteswissenschaftliches Studium! Studieren Sie Christliche Religion und Glauben in Geschichte und Gegenwart.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
Formen der Rationalität / Forme della razionalità
Das binationale Masterstudium ist stark forschungsorientiert und wird in Kooperation von der Universität Tor Vergata Rom und der MLU durchgeführt.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Interesse für Wesen und Spezifika der Sprache, Literatur und Kultur Frankreichs? Studieren Sie Frankoromanistik an der Uni Halle!
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, StEx. Lehramt Gymnasium, StEx. Lehramt Sekundarschule / B.A., M.A., StEx. GY, StEx. SK
Interesse an Antike, Vormoderne oder Moderne? Studieren Sie Geschichte kombiniert mit einer weiteren Geisteswissenschaft oder bspw. mit Wirtschaft.
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaften
Die interdisziplinäre und evidenzbasierte Ausrichtung des Masterstudiums qualifiziert für ein weites Berufsspektrum im Gesundheits- und Pflegebereich.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Interesse für Wesen und Spezifika der Sprache, Literatur und Kultur Spaniens und Lateinamerikas? Studieren Sie Hispanistik in Halle an der Saale!
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Human Resources Management
Personalmanagement, VWL, Betriebspsychologie – der Master bündelt Wissen aus zentralen Gebieten des Human Resources Management und nutzt Synergieeffekte.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, StEx. Lehramt Gymnasium / B.Sc., M.Sc., StEx. GY
Interesse für Programmierung, Rechnerarchitektur, Softwaretechnik? Studieren Sie Informatik für Berufe in einer sich stets weiterentwickelnden Branche.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien
Polen ist EU-Mitglied und agiert zunehmend international. Studieren Sie die polnische Sprache, Gesellschaft und Kultur.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Interkulturelle Europa- und Amerikastudien (IKEAS)
Interkulturalität ist Ihr Ding? „IKEAS“ ist nix mit Möbeln, sondern ermöglicht den Erwerb von Sprach- und Mittlerkompetenzen in zwei Kulturräumen.