StudiumFachbereicheNaturwissenschaften und MathematikInformatikEmbedded Systems DesignHS BremerhavenProfilMaster

Embedded Systems Design

Hochschule Bremerhaven / HS Bremerhaven
Master of Science / Master of Science
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Why should you study Embedded Systems Design?

With their technical background and specialist knowledge, the graduates are in demand on the job market as pros who can initiate and implement decisive product improvements. Since products without embedded system components will no longer be competitive in the future, the need for specially trained personnel continues to grow. The increasing digitalization of industrial production, vehicles, systems and products is leading to stable growth rates in the embedded systems sector. Potential employers include automobile manufacturers and suppliers, medical technology (diagnostics, healthcare), the aerospace industry, industrial automation, robotics, machine tool manufacturers, measurement technology, testing technology, as well as manufacturers of systems for audio or image processing. The programme graduates are mainly employed in these companies as development and research engineers.

Degree: Master of Science
Duration and mode of study: 3 semester
Starting term: Summer semester (March)
Language: English


Student Advisory Service

Natalie Stellmacher, M.A.
Tel.: 0471/4823-556

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1. Semester
Mechatronics, Discrete Control Systems, Model-Based SW-Development/Real-time Software, Digital Systems/VHDL System-on-Chip Design, Safety and Reliability

2. Semester
Requirements Engineering, Maritime Systems, Medical Systems, Industrial Systems, Embedded Systems Project

3. Semester

Student Advisory Service

Natalie Stellmacher, M.A.
Tel.: 0471/4823-556

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Admission requirements

Prospective students should be enthusiastic about control engineering, mechanics, digital technology and software development and be able to prove basic knowledge that was acquired by attending corresponding courses. The study programme begins in the summer semester.

German students may read the formal admission requirements from the link "Zulassungsordnung Embedded Systems Design" below.

The formal admission requirements in English language for students (from abroad) are listed here:

- Completion of a bachelor's degree in an engineering study program with 210 credit points (ECTS)
- CGPA equivalent German grade of 2.3 or better (The required German grade may also be enhanded by 0.3 for individuals who can provide proof of at least 2 years of relevant professional experience after obtaining their bachelor’s degree.)
- Proof of English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (or IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL IBT 72 or Bachelor’s program with English as the medium of instruction MOI)
- Proof of German language skills at level A1 from Goethe Institut (or DSH or Test DaF or TELC or DAAD or UNIcert). Certificates from other organisations will probably not be accepted!
- 15 credit points (ECTS) in mathematics/physics (e.g. linear algebra, calculus, laplace transforms, differential equations, statistics)
- 10 credit points (ECTS) in electrical engineering (e.g. DC and AC circuits, passive electrical elements, resistors, coils, capacitors, active electrical elements, diodes, transistors, MOSFETs, ICs)
- 5 credit points (ECTS) in mechanical engineering (e.g. civil engineering, machines, drives)
- 5 credit points (ECTS) in programming languages (e.g. C, C#, Java, VHDL)
- 5 credit points (ECTS) in control engineering (e.g. feedback controls in frequency domain, control systems, linear control)

Further information about special admissions can be obtained from the Admissions Office of the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven.

Zulassungsordnung Embedded Systems Design 


The study program begins in the summer semester. Applications must be sent directly to the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven by February, 15.

Applicants from non-European countries must submit their certificates to the ASSIST examination centre: uni-assist. The deadline for these applications is  December, 30. Further information can be found here (Registration and Examination Office).


Student Advisory Service

Natalie Stellmacher, M.A.
Tel.: 0471/4823-556

To website >


Do you want to study in a practical and hands-on environment? Then you've come to the right place. The University of Bremerhaven offers its approximately 3,000 students modern and well-equipped laboratories, as well as intensive contact with various economic and scientific institutions in Bremerhaven. The campus, with its attractive buildings, is located directly in the city center, and from the university by the sea, you can reach the dike in just 5 minutes – the perfect break from the stress of studying.

For further information, our student mentors are available at

Student Advisory Service

Natalie Stellmacher, M.A.
Tel.: 0471/4823-556

To website >


HS Bremerhaven › Master › Studienangebot

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Master of Science / M.Sc.
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Master of Science / M.Sc.
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