Master of Arts (ID 283451)
1. Semester
- Advanced Growth Hacking (5 CP)
- Applied Research (5 CP)
- Business Model Design (5 CP)
- Lean Start Up (5 CP)
- Project: Growth Hacking Tools (5 CP)
- Seminar: Current Topics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (5 CP)
2. Semester
- Electives A (10 CP)
- Artificial Intelligence (10 CP, W)
- Big Data Applications (10 CP, W)
- Consumer Behavior and Growth Hacks (10 CP, W)
- Data and Conversion Rate (10 CP, W)
- Data Science and Analytics (10 CP, W)
- Digital Transformation (10 CP, W)
- E-Commerce (10 CP, W)
- Innovation and Sales (10 CP, W)
- IT Project and Architecture Management (10 CP, W)
- Leadership and Change (10 CP, W)
- Marketing Project and Agile Project Management (10 CP, W)
- Neuromarketing (10 CP, W)
- Performance Marketing (10 CP, W)
- Product Development and Design Thinking (10 CP, W)
- SEA and Social Media Marketing (10 CP, W)
- Start Up Lab (10 CP, W)
- Master Thesis (15 CP)
- Project: Growth Hack Development (5 CP)