Bachelor of Science (ID 31463)
1. Semester
- Analysis I (8 CP, W)
- Basiskurs für ein nachhaltiges Studium (4 CP)
- Experimentalphysik I (7 CP)
- Lineare Algebra I (8 CP)
- Theoretische Physik I (8 CP)
- Wahlpflicht (46 CP, W)
- Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (8 CP, W)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (7 CP, W)
- Anorganisch-Chemisches Praktikum für Physiker (6 CP, W)
- Atmospheric Physics (4 CP, W)
- Betriebssysteme und Netzwerke (7 CP, W)
- Blockkurs: Datenanalyse (1 CP, W)
- Blockkurs: Programmieren in C++ (1 CP, W)
- Blockkurs: „Python: programming for scientists“ (2 CP, W)
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (6 CP, W)
- Condensed Matter Physics (8 CP, W)
- Corporate Governance (8 CP, W)
- Cosmology (6 CP, W)
- Digital Hardware Design (6 CP, W)
- Einführung in Datenbanken (4 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Allgemeine Chemie (6 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Astronomie (10 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Biophysik + Experimentelle Methoden der Biophysik I (2 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Computer-Physik (6 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Numerik (8 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Physiologie und medizinische Biophysik (4 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Politische Ökonomie (8 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Praktische Informatik (7 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik (7 CP, W)
- Einführung in Software Engineering (4 CP, W)
- Elektronik & Elektronik-Praktikum (7 CP, W)
- Environmental Physics (8 CP, W)
- Experimental Optics and Photonics (4 CP, W)
- Experimentelle Methoden der Biophysik (2 CP, W)
- Forschungsseminar (2 CP, W)
- Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics (6 CP, W)
- General Relativity (8 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaften 1a: System Erde (5 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaften 1b: Bausteine der Erde (2 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaften 1c: Einführung in die Paläontologie (3 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaften 2a: Kristallographie (1 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaften 2b: Minerale und Gesteine (2 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaften 2c: Lichtmikroskopie I (2 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaften 2d: Lichtmikroskopie II (4 CP, W)
- Grundlagen der Technischen Informatik (7 CP, W)
- Grundlagen der Zell- und Molekularbiologie (6 CP, W)
- Informatikpraktikum (4 CP, W)
- Introduction to Biophysics (6 CP, W)
- Kurs für Basiskurs-Tutoren und Durchführung eines Basiskurs-Tutoriums (3 CP, W)
- Low Temperature Physics (8 CP, W)
- Machine Learning (8 CP, W)
- Mathematischer Vorkurs (3 CP, W)
- Medical Physics 1 (6 CP, W)
- Medical Physics 2 (6 CP, W)
- Methoden der molekularen Zellbiologie (7 CP, W)
- Mikroökonomik (8 CP, W)
- Observational Methods (6 CP, W)
- Parallel Computer Architecture (6 CP, W)
- Particle Physics (8 CP, W)
- Partielle Differentialgleichungen (8 CP, W)
- Physics of Aquatic Systems (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Climate (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Particle Detectors (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Terrestrial Systems (4 CP, W)
- Physik Vermittlungskompetenz (Didaktik) (1 CP, W)
- Physik Vermittlungskompetenz (Praxis) (1 CP, W)
- Practical Course: Numerical Methods (3 CP, W)
- Practical Course: Statistical Methods (3 CP, W)
- Projektpraktikum (4 CP, W)
- Quantum Field Theory 1 (8 CP, W)
- Quantum Field Theory 2 (8 CP, W)
- Seminar Einführung in die Biophysik + Experimentelle Methoden der Biophysik I (2 CP, W)
- Spezialvorlesung Physik (2 CP, W)
- Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics (6 CP, W)
- Surfaces and Nanostructures (6 CP, W)
- System Theory (6 CP, W)
- Theoretical Astrophysics (8 CP, W)
- Theoretical Statistical Physics (8 CP, W)
- Wissenschaftliches Rechnen 1 (8 CP, W)
- Zell- und molekularphysiologische Grundlagen der medizinischen Biophysik (4 CP, W)
2. Semester
- Experimentalphysik II (7 CP)
- Praktikum für Anfänger I (6 CP)
- Theoretische Physik II (8 CP)
- Wahlpflicht Mathematik 1 (8 CP, W)
- Analysis II (8 CP, W)
- Höhere Mathematik für Physiker II (8 CP, W)
3. Semester
- Experimentalphysik III (7 CP)
- Theoretische Physik III (8 CP)
- Wahlpflicht Mathematik 2 (8 CP, W)
- Analysis III (8 CP, W)
- Höhere Mathematik für Physiker III (8 CP, W)
4. Semester
- Experimentalphysik IV (7 CP)
- Praktikum für Anfänger II (7 CP)
- Theoretische Physik IV (8 CP)
5. Semester
- Experimentalphysik V (7 CP)
- Fortgeschrittenen-Praktkum I (4 CP)
- Pflichtseminar (2 CP)
- Präsentation (1 CP)
6. Semester
- Bachelorarbeit (12 CP)
- Fortgeschrittenen-Praktkum II (7 CP)
Master of Science (ID 31464)
1. Semester
- Accelerator Physics (4 CP, W)
- Advanced Biological Models in Radio Therapy (2 CP, W)
- Advanced Monte Carlo Methods (3 CP, W)
- Advanced Parallel Computing (4 CP, W)
- Advanced Particle Physics Project at the Paul Scherrer Institut (8 CP, W)
- Advanced Quantum Field Theory (8 CP, W)
- Advanced Quantum Theory (4 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Astronomy or Astrophysics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Biophysics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Environmental Physics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Medical Physics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Modern Topics in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Particle Physics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Seminar on Theoretical Physics (6 CP, W)
- Advanced Topics in Particle Physics (4 CP, W)
- Algorithms and data structures (7 CP, W)
- Astrobiophysics III (2 CP, W)
- Astronomical Techniques (compact) (6 CP, W)
- Atmospheric Physics (4 CP, W)
- Atom Light Interactions (3 CP, W)
- Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (3 CP, W)
- Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields (3 CP, W)
- Bio-photonics (2 CP, W)
- Block course: Data analysis (1 CP, W)
- Block course: Programming in C++ (1 CP, W)
- Cellular and molecular foundations of medical biophysics (4 CP, W)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (4 CP, W)
- Computational Optics (4 CP, W)
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (6 CP, W)
- Computer science laboratory (6 CP, W)
- Computer Vision (6 CP, W)
- Condensed Matter Theory (8 CP, W)
- Core Courses (16 CP, W)
- Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (8 CP, W)
- Astronomical Techniques (8 CP, W)
- Condensed Matter Physics (8 CP, W)
- Cosmology (8 CP, W)
- Environmental Physics (8 CP, W)
- General Relativity (8 CP, W)
- Particle Physics (8 CP, W)
- Quantum Field Theory (8 CP, W)
- Theoretical Astrophysics (8 CP, W)
- Theoretical Statistical Physics (8 CP, W)
- Corporate Governance (8 CP, W)
- Cosmology (compact) (4 CP, W)
- Course on teaching and learning (didactics) (1 CP, W)
- Course on teaching and learning (practical) (2 CP, W)
- Course title: Advanced Lecture on Special Topic (2 CP, W)
- Design of VLSI Circuits using VHDL (4 CP, W)
- Digital Circuit Technology (8 CP, W)
- Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (8 CP, W)
- Electronics and electronic laboratory course (7 CP, W)
- Embedded Systems (4 CP, W)
- Experimental Biophysics (6 CP, W)
- Experimental Methods in Atomic & Molecular Physics (4 CP, W)
- Experimental Optics and Photonics (4 CP, W)
- Fundamentals of cellular and molecular biology (8 CP, W)
- Fundamentals of Simulation Methods (8 CP, W)
- Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy (6 CP, W)
- Gauge Theories, QCD (4 CP, W)
- General chemistry (12 CP, W)
- GPU programming (4 CP, W)
- Higher course in analysis (8 CP, W)
- Image Analysis (8 CP, W)
- Introduction to applied computation (7 CP, W)
- Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics (8 CP, W)
- Introduction to computer physics (6 CP, W)
- Introduction to databases (4 CP, W)
- Introduction to High-Performance Computing (4 CP, W)
- Introduction to numerical calculations (8 CP, W)
- Introduction to physiology and medical biophysics (4 CP, W)
- Introduction to political economics (8 CP, W)
- Introduction to software engineering (4 CP, W)
- Introduction to technical computation (7 CP, W)
- Introduction to theoretical computer science (7 CP, W)
- Inverse Problems (8 CP, W)
- Journal Club (2 CP, W)
- Journal Club on Astronomy or Astrophysics (2 CP, W)
- Journal Club on Biophysics (2 CP, W)
- Journal Club on Condensed Matter Physics (2 CP, W)
- Journal Club on Environmental Physics (2 CP, W)
- Journal Club on Medical Physics (2 CP, W)
- Journal Club on Particle Physics (2 CP, W)
- Journal Club on Theoretical Physics (2 CP, W)
- Laboratory Course Astrophysics I (2 CP, W)
- Laboratory Course Astrophysics II (2 CP, W)
- Laser Physics (3 CP, W)
- Low Temperature Detectors (4 CP, W)
- Low Temperature Physics (8 CP, W)
- Machine Learnin (8 CP, W)
- Macro economics (8 CP, W)
- Mandatory Advanced Seminar (6 CP, W)
- Medical Physics 1 (6 CP, W)
- Medical Physics 2 (6 CP, W)
- Microelectronics and electronic laboratory course (7 CP, W)
- Nanoscale Physics (4 CP, W)
- New Physics Beyond the Standard Model (2 CP, W)
- Nonlinear Dynamics (2 CP, W)
- Observing the Big Bang (3 CP, W)
- Operating systems and networks (7 CP, W)
- Optical Properties of Condensed Matter (3 CP, W)
- Optics in Biophysics (4 CP, W)
- Organic semiconductors and molecular solids (4 CP, W)
- Parallel Computer Architectures (8 CP, W)
- Partial differential equations (8 CP, W)
- Physics at the LHC (2 CP, W)
- Physics beyond the Standard Model (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Aquatic Systems (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Climate (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Imaging (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Particle Detectors (4 CP, W)
- Physics of Terrestrial Systems (4 CP, W)
- Practical Course: Numerical Methods (3 CP, W)
- Practical Course: Statistical Methods (3 CP, W)
- Practical Environmental Physics (1 CP, W)
- Precision Experiments in AMO Physics (3 CP, W)
- Project Practical (4 CP, W)
- Quantum Dynamics and Control (3 CP, W)
- Quantum Electrodynamics (3 CP, W)
- Quantum Fluids (4 CP, W)
- Quantum Gases (3 CP, W)
- Quantum Information (3 CP, W)
- Quantum Magnetism (4 CP, W)
- Radiation Biophysics (2 CP, W)
- Radiative Transfer (4 CP, W)
- Research Seminar (2 CP, W)
- Research Seminar on Special Topics of Astronomy or Astrophysics (2 CP, W)
- Research Seminar on special topics of Biophysics (2 CP, W)
- Research Seminar on special topics of Condensed Matter Physics (2 CP, W)
- Research Seminar on special topics of Environmental Physics (2 CP, W)
- Research Seminar on special topics of Medical Physics (2 CP, W)
- Research Seminar on special topics of Particle Physics (2 CP, W)
- Research Seminar on special topics of Theoretical Physics (2 CP, W)
- Scientific computation 1 (8 CP, W)
- Scientific Programming (4 CP, W)
- Scientific Visualization (2 CP, W)
- Semiconductor Physics I (2 CP, W)
- Semiconductor Physics II (2 CP, W)
- Special Topics Environmental Physics (2 CP, W)
- Special Topics in Atomic and Molecular Physics (3 CP, W)
- Special Topics in Field Theory (4 CP, W)
- Special training for basis course tutors (6 CP, W)
- Standard Model of Particle Physics (8 CP, W)
- Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (4 CP, W)
- Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics (6 CP, W)
- Stochastic Dynamics (2 CP, W)
- String Theory (4 CP, W)
- Superconductors (4 CP, W)
- Supersymmetry and Supergravity (4 CP, W)
- Surfaces and Nanostructures (6 CP, W)
- The Physics and Application of Hadron Therapy (2 CP, W)
- Theoretical Biophysics (6 CP, W)
- Theoretical Quantum Optics (3 CP, W)
- Volume Visualization (8 CP, W)
3. Semester
- Methods and Project Planning (15 CP)
- Scientific Specialization (15 CP)
4. Semester
- Master Thesis (30 CP)