Master of Science (ID 287043)
1. Semester
- Application Field / Elective Area (10 CP)
- Elective Area (44 CP)
- General competencies / Elective area (6 CP)
3. Semester
- Application Field / Elective Area II (8 CP)
- Elective Area II (6 CP)
- Master’s Advanced Practical (8 CP)
- Master’s Advanced Seminar (4 CP)
4. Semester
- Master’s Colloquium (4 CP)
- Master’s Thesis (30 CP)
weitere Module
- Advanced Machine Learning (W)
- Algorithm Engineering (W)
- Artificial Intelligence for Programming (W)
- Basic Module Numerics and Optimization (W)
- Complex Network Analysis (W)
- Computability and Complexity I (W)
- Computability and Complexity II (W)
- Computational Geometry (W)
- Computer Games (Game Engine Design) (W)
- Computer Vision: 3D Reconstruction (W)
- Discrete Structures 2 (W)
- Distributed and Parallel Algorithms (W)
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning (W)
- Generative Neural Networks for the Sciences (W)
- Geometric Modeling and Animation (W)
- Hardware Aware Scientific Computing (W)
- Introduction to Optimization (W)
- Inverse Problems (W)
- IT Project Management (W)
- IT-Sicherheit 2 (W)
- Knowledge Management and Decision-Making in Software Engineering (W)
- Machine Learning (W)
- Machine Learning and Physics (W)
- Mining Massive Datasets (W)
- Modules from the MSc Computer Engineering (W)
- Natural Language Processing with Transformers (W)
- Numerics (W)
- Optimization for Machine Learning (W)
- Practical Geometry (W)
- Probability Theory (W)
- Projektseminar Biomedizinische Bildanalyse (W)
- Scientific Visualisation (W)
- Scientific Working (W)
- Software Economics (W)
- Software Evolution (W)
- Specialization Module Numerics and Optimization (W)
- Specialization: Algorithms and Theoretical Computer Science (W)
- Specialization: Information Systems Engineering (W)
- Specialization: Scientific Computing (W)
- Specialization: Visual Computing (W)
- Statistics (W)
- Volume Visualization (W)