StudiumFachbereicheNaturwissenschaften und MathematikStatistikWeb and Data ScienceUni KoblenzProfilBachelor und Master

Web and Data Science

University of Koblenz / University of Koblenz
Master of Science / Master of Science
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Understand, analyze and shape the World Wide Web

The international programme in Web and Data Science is the first of its kind in Germany. It is directed towards students aiming to extend their scientific skills, to qualify for leading positions by sharpening their profile and to advance their personal development.


The master programme in Web and Data Science covers specialized knowledge for analysing data and for designing and developing Web and data-intensive systems. Key to such development and analysis is the understanding of the Web and data ecosystems as being multi-faceted, governed by technologies, economics, and social interactions of humans, interest groups, companies and governments.

The Master program prepares the graduate for independent academic work, lays the foundations for further achievements in the subject area, and provides the skillset for continuing doctoral studies. It is a qualification for the ability to conduct complex tasks responsibly, with a focus on scientific soundness, intellectual independence, which are prerequisites for all kinds of research.

Master of Science
Standard period of study
Start of programme
Winter semester
Application deadline for winter semester
Teaching language
Admission restriction
Admission requirements
  • An English language certificate (TOEFL with 79 or more points, Cambridge Certificate at level auf B2 or IELTS with at least 6.5 points)
  • A Bachelors' degree in Computer Science, Computational Visualistics, Information Systems or a Bachelors’ degree with comparable curriculum with an overall grade of 2.5 ("good") or better

Further links


Martina Hermanns
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 034
Tel.: +49 261 287-1607

Petra Meinerz
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 032
Tel.: +49 261 287-1751

Subject-specific Study Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Frank Hopfgartner
Tel.: +49 (0)261 287 - 2715

Zur Webseite >

Zur Webseite >


Contents and structure

  • Introduction to Web Science, Network Theory and Dynamic Systems, Engineering Web and Data-intensive Systems
  • Introduction to Data Science, Big Data und Machine Learning and Data Mining
  • Compulsory elective subjects from the field of computer science related to Web and Data Science
  • Compulsory elective subjects from any interdisciplinary field related to Web and Data Science


Martina Hermanns
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 034
Tel.: +49 261 287-1607

Petra Meinerz
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 032
Tel.: +49 261 287-1751

Subject-specific Study Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Frank Hopfgartner
Tel.: +49 (0)261 287 - 2715

Zur Webseite >

Zur Webseite >



Apart from its strong academic focus, the program has a clear focus on employability. Whether you are entering the job market, want to fulfil executive position, progress from your current position, or are looking for a career change, the course provides the right skill set to:

  1. collect and use relevant data to influence business decisions
  2. develop Web systems, Web strategies and Web and data ecosystems
  3. provide substantial practice for strategic communication via data science


Martina Hermanns
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 034
Tel.: +49 261 287-1607

Petra Meinerz
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 032
Tel.: +49 261 287-1751

Subject-specific Study Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Frank Hopfgartner
Tel.: +49 (0)261 287 - 2715

Zur Webseite >

Zur Webseite >



The University of Koblenz is one of the youngest universities in Germany. Research, teaching and everyday life at the university campus in Koblenz-Metternich are characterised by short distances and active interdisciplinarity.

The university's claim is "continue discovering". This reflects the incentive and aspiration of all members of the university to constantly scrutinise the familiar in order to gain new insights. To this end, the university offers its members the necessary freedom to further develop their academics and teaching and to break new ground in the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology.


Martina Hermanns
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 034
Tel.: +49 261 287-1607

Petra Meinerz
Emil-Schüller-Str. 12, EG, R. 032
Tel.: +49 261 287-1751

Subject-specific Study Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Frank Hopfgartner
Tel.: +49 (0)261 287 - 2715

Zur Webseite >

Zur Webseite >


Übersicht Universität

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