StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenFinanceHS SchmalkaldenProfilBachelor und Master
Course Profile


Hochschule Schmalkalden (University of Applied Sciences) / HS Schmalkalden
Master of Science / Master of Science
study profile image

Pursue a career in finance

The M.Sc. in Finance offers the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in finance. It is intended for students with an undergraduate degree in business, economics, management or related areas - especially with an international degree or international orientation - who have a strong interest in finance and wish to pursue a career in this area.

The programme is designed to individually respond to the preferences and priorities of students in the area of Finance in the best possible way. You individually select modules from the Finance and Accounting curriculum. Besides core Finance and Accounting topics, you have the opportunity to complement your focus in this area by further electives in innovative areas of digital, behavioural and sustainable finance. The study programme is rounded off by electives from a variety of modules in areas such as Economics, Management and Philosophy.


Form of study: Full-time
Duration of study: 3 semesters
Teaching language: English
Degree: Master of Science
ECTS: 90
Intake: Each Winter and each Summer term
Application deadline: 15 December for Summer term; 15 June for Winter Term


Academic Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Mareike Heinemann
Phone: +49 3683 688 3113

To website >


Course organisation

The three-semester fully English-taught M.Sc. programme in Finance comprises the following core elements:

  • Focus on the area of accounting and finance
  • Complemented by electives in other areas such as economics, management and philosophy
  • Master’s thesis

Study plan

In your first two semesters you will take elective courses totalling 60 ECTS credit points. Out of these 60 ECTS credit points, at least 40 ECTS credit points must be completed in the area of Accounting and Finance. In your third semester you will write your Master’s thesis. In total, you will acquire 90 ECTS credit points in your degree programme.

Elective courses are offered in the areas of Accounting and Finance, Economics, Management and Philosophy.


Academic Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Mareike Heinemann
Phone: +49 3683 688 3113

To website >


Admission requirements

  • Outstanding academic degree in Business, Management, Economics or related disciplines (Bachelor, Diploma or equivalent degree). You should belong to the best 25% of graduates of your degree program. A confirmational letter from your university would be helpful for us to assess this qualification.
  • Proof of English language ability for non-native speakers: ToEFL minimum score 86 ibT (internet-based) points or IELTS minimum score 6.5.
  • APS certificate for applicants with a degree obtained in China, India or Vietnam


Each applicant has to apply online > 

The application deadlines are as follows:

  • 15 June – for an intake in Winter term
  • 15 December – for an intake in Summer term

Winter term usually starts on 01 October

Summer term usually starts on 01 April

After completion of the online application, please send the following documents by the application deadline

  • The pdf-file generated during the online application
  • Curriculum vitae (in English)
  • Copy of your birth certificate or copy of your passport or copy of your identity card
  • Copy of your university entrance qualification (highest school leaving certificate)
  • Officially notarized copy (copies) of your university degree(s) incl. transcript and certified translation(s) into English or German
  • Personal essay (in English): Letter of motivation
  • ToEFL or IELTS certificate (non-native speakers only)
  • Application form - thoska with passport photo [enclosed to the pdf-file generated during the online application] 
  • APS certificate for applicants with a degree obtained in China, India or Vietnam.

To the following adress:

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences
Studierendenverwaltung - Team Master
98574 Schmalkalden

You will also find these instructions at the end of the application form. The application platform for the next intake usually opens three months before the application deadline.


Academic Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Mareike Heinemann
Phone: +49 3683 688 3113

To website >


Übersicht Hochschule

HS Schmalkalden › Studienangebot

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