Bachelor of Science (ID 152997)
1. Semester
- Betriebswirtschaftl. Grundlagen der Automobilwirtschaft (5 CP)
- Einführung in die Automobilbranche (5 CP)
- Grundlage der Automobiltechnik (5 CP)
- Informationstechnik und Datenstrukturen (5 CP)
- Mathematik und Statistik (5 CP)
- Programmiertechnik (5 CP)
2. Semester
- Automobile Produktentstehungsprozesse (5 CP)
- Business English Basics (5 CP)
- Datenbanken (5 CP)
- Finanzwesen und Controlling (5 CP)
- Grundlagen Logistik und Produktion (5 CP)
- Kommunikationstechnik (5 CP)
3. Semester
- Automobile After-Sales- und Serviceprozesse (5 CP)
- Business English for Automotive (5 CP)
- Car IT (5 CP)
- Geschäftsprozessmanagement (5 CP)
- Projektmanagement (5 CP)
- Software-Engineering (5 CP)
4. Semester
- Automotive Supply Chain Management (5 CP)
- Business IS & Information Management (5 CP)
- International Business Negotiations (5 CP)
- Product Lifecycle Management & PLM-Systems (5 CP)
- Production & Quality Management (5 CP)
- Sales & Distribution (5 CP)
5. Semester
- Performance Management in the Automotive Industry (15 CP, W)
- Corporate Performance Management (5 CP, W)
- Methods and Tools for Data Analysis and Reporting (5 CP, W)
- Project Seminar Performance Management (5 CP, W)
- Schwerpunkt Car 2.0 (15 CP, W)
- Car Entertainment & Advanced Driver Assistent Systems (5 CP, W)
- Future Cars and new Automotive Processes (Projectwork) (5 CP, W)
- Usability Concepts (5 CP, W)
- Service Management Automotive (15 CP, W)
- Fleet Management and Mobility Services (5 CP, W)
- IT as a Service Enabler (Seminar) (5 CP, W)
- Services in Automotive (5 CP, W)
6. Semester
- Praktisches Studiensemester (24 CP)
- Praxissemester Abschluss (3 CP)
- Praxissemester Einführung (3 CP)
7. Semester
- Bachelorarbeit (12 CP)
- Bachelorseminar (2 CP)
- Wahlpflichtfächer (16 CP)