Bachelor of Science (ID 107666)
1. Semester
- Allgemeine & Anorganische Chemie (6 CP)
- Grundlagen der Genetik & Molekularbiologie (6 CP)
- Mathematik 1 (6 CP)
- Physik 1 (8 CP)
- Zellbiologie & Evolutionäre Grundlagen des Lebens (6 CP)
2. Semester
- Berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenzen 1 (4 CP)
- Grundlagen der Botanik (8 CP)
- Mathematik 2 (6 CP)
- Organische Chemie (6 CP)
- Physik 2 (4 CP)
3. Semester
- Biologisches /Fachfremdes Profilmodul 1 (6 CP)
- Grundlagen der Zoologie (8 CP)
- Physikalische Chemie (6 CP)
- Physiologie (8 CP)
- Wissenschaftstheorie und Ethik (2 CP)
4. Semester
- Biochemie, Mikrobiologie & Immunbiologie (8 CP)
- Biologisches /Fachfremdes Profilmodul 2 (6 CP)
- Entwicklungsbiologie (8 CP)
- Ökologie (8 CP)
5. Semester
- Biologisches /Fachfremdes Profilmodul 3 (6 CP)
- Wahlfächer (W)
- Biochemie - Synthetische Biologie und Proteomforschung (8 CP, W)
- Entwicklungsbiologie (8 CP, W)
- Eukaryontengenetik (8 CP, W)
- Evolutionsbiologie (8 CP, W)
- Funktionelle Morphologie, Biomechanik und Bionik (8 CP, W)
- Gene und Genome (8 CP, W)
- Geobotanik (8 CP, W)
- Immunbiologie (8 CP, W)
- Limnologie (8 CP, W)
- Mikrobiologie (8 CP, W)
- Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie (8 CP, W)
- Neurobiologie (8 CP, W)
- Pflanzenbiotechnologie (8 CP, W)
- Tierphysiologie / Neurobiologie (8 CP, W)
- Zellbiologie (8 CP, W)
6. Semester
- Abschlusskolloquium (3 CP)
- Bachelor-Arbeit (12 CP)
- begleitendes Literaturseminar (2 CP)
- Berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenzen 2 (3 CP)
- Berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenzen 3 (3 CP)
- Projektmodul (6 CP)
Master of Science (ID 161812)
1. Semester
- EDS Experimental Design and Statistics (3 CP)
- Experimentelles Design und Statistik (3 CP)
- Wahlfächer (W)
- Biochemistry and Microbiology (9 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Pflanzenwissenschaften (9 CP, W)
- Genetics & Developmental Biology (9 CP, W)
- Introduction to Immunobiology (9 CP, W)
- Neuroscience - The Basics (9 CP, W)
- Ökologie & Evolutionsbiologie (9 CP, W)
- Translational Biology (9 CP, W)
2. Semester
- Advanced Immunobiology I (12 CP, W)
- Bioinformatics (9 CP, W)
- Cell Biology of Cellular Stress, Ageing and Disease: Methods, Concept and Models (9 CP, W)
- Clinical Immunology (9 CP, W)
- Cognitive Neurosciences (9 CP, W)
- Current Topics in Immunology (9 CP, W)
- Developmental Neuroscience (9 CP, W)
- Diversity and ecology of microorganism (9 CP, W)
- Exkursionswochen Geobotanik (9 CP, W)
- Genetics &Developmental Biology (12 CP, W)
- Mammalian and Plant Cell Technology (9 CP, W)
- Measurement and Model (9 CP, W)
- Microbiology and Systems Biochemistry (12 CP, W)
- Molecular Developmental Biology of Plants (9 CP, W)
- Molecular Mechanisms of Animal Development (9 CP, W)
- Molecular Signaling Mechanisms in Plants (9 CP, W)
- Molekularbiologie der Prokaryoten (9 CP, W)
- Neurobiology in genetic model organisms (9 CP, W)
- Ökologie (12 CP, W)
- Pflanzenbiotechnologie und funktionelle Genomanalysen (9 CP, W)
- Pflanzenökologie und Ökosystemfunktionen (9 CP, W)
- Pflanzenwissenschaften (12 CP, W)
- Quantitative Methoden Schwerpunkt Translationale Biologie (12 CP, W)
- Quantitative Methods in Neuroscience (12 CP, W)
- RNA Biology (9 CP, W)
- Signalling in Tumour Cells – Functional Proteomic Studies (9 CP, W)
- Synthetic immunobiology (9 CP, W)
- Terrestrisch-ökologisches Freilandpraktikum Neusiedler-See (9 CP, W)
- The cell at high resolution (9 CP, W)
- Tropical Ecology (9 CP, W)
- Tutorat Anfänger-Exkursionen (9 CP, W)
- Virology (9 CP, W)
- Zellbiologie I (9 CP, W)
- Zellbiologie II (9 CP, W)
3. Semester
- Projektmodul (9 CP)
- Advanced Immunobiology II (21 CP, W)
- Advanced molecular genetics of eukaryotic organisms (21 CP, W)
- Aktuelle Methoden der Bionik / Biomechanik (21 CP, W)
- Computational Neuroscience (21 CP, W)
- Developmental Biology (21 CP, W)
- Developmental Neurobiology (21 CP, W)
- Experiments in Evolutionary Biology & Functional Ecology (21 CP, W)
- Functional Proteomics and Biochemistry (21 CP, W)
- Genetics and Experimental Bioinformatics (21 CP, W)
- Microbiology (21 CP, W)
- Molecular Genetics and Signalling in Prokaryotic Organisms (21 CP, W)
- Neurogenetics (11 CP, W)
- Neurophysiology (25 CP, W)
- Neurotechnology (22 CP, W)
- Plant Biotechnology (21 CP, W)
- Spezielle Themen der Pflanzenwissenschaften (21 CP, W)
- Synthetic Biology and Biochemistry (21 CP, W)
4. Semester
- Masterarbeit (24 CP)
- Masterseminar (6 CP)