StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenInternational ManagementTH DeggendorfProfilBachelor und Master

International Management

Technische Hochschule Deggendorf / TH Deggendorf
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Arts
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High academic standards and international experience

If you are looking for a fully accredited business degree that integrates high academic standards with international experience, then we have a program designed specifically to meet your needs. Our International Management BA program meets the demands of students who are seeking a global perspective on a management career.

You´ll learn how to do business as a global player and gain valuable leadership skills and intercultural awareness combined with a full spectrum of strategic management, marketing, finance and other relevant skills.

We offer not only one of the first international management programs in Germany to be taught 100% in English, but we also top the list of CHE employability ratings for bachelor degrees in business. Our goal is to train you to fill the growing demand for multilingual, multicultural managers, who can lead dynamic companies across cultures and borders.

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Duration: 7 Semesters (including two semester abroad)
Course language: English
Start: winter semester
Fees: no tuition fees
Campus: Deggendorf
Admission requirements: Admissions restricted, for details please see our dedicated applications section.
Prior knowledge: Business knowledge is advantageous.
Double Degree: Option for a double degree with a choice of universities around the world


Zentrale Studienberatung
Tel.: 0991 3615 8383

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Program Structure

The International Management Bachelor Program elaborates business competencies and managerial education to an international level over seven semesters. Students do not only acquire rigorous business knowledge and learn contemporary theories but also hone their practical skill sets through individual and team based case studies and projects.

We also teach classes on communications and presentation techniques as we believe they are key to successfully cope with the fast paced corporate world. During the course of study, English is the primary language used in the classroom and workplace. In addition, students are required to study one or more additional foreign languages (French, Spanish, Chinese, etc.) in each of the first three semesters.

Studying abroad further enriches our student's academic horizons and prepares them for international deployments in their future careers. The internship semester puts learning outcomes to pratical use and is a great opportunity for students to have a first hands-on and build a professional network.  Further we offer various Career Tracks (see Program Highlights) for students who wish to specialize and deepen their knowledge in a particular field. Last but not least current students and graduates can rely on a strong alumni base with top professionals in a wide range of functions and industries.

All this enables our students to develop a truly unique and individual profile which is highly valued by employers and graduate schools. Course Descpription >

Semesters 1 and 2

In the first year particular emphasis is placed on teamwork, presentation skills, information technology, business methods and foreign language acquisition. The first two semesters also cover the functional areas of business (economics, logistics, marketing, accounting, etc.). All courses are taught and examined completely in English with the exception of the foreign-language electives. Foreign students are also required to take German language courses that span both semesters.

Semester 3

The third semester is almost exclusively designed to cover the international aspects of the functional areas of business: accounting, economics, finance, business law and marketing. Information technology skills and foreign language acquisition are further emphasized. All of the courses are taught and examined in English with the exception of the foreign language elective. Foreign students are required to take a German language course.

Semester 4 and 5

In the fourth or fifth semester, the students work as interns either abroad or in an international function at a German company of their choice. In addition to gaining business and foreign language skills, the internship helps the students with their career plans. They get first-hand experience in a company and an industry where they may wish to work later. Our graduates are often employed at the same organizations where they have done their internships. Also in the fourth or fifth semester, students have the opportunity to widen their academic horizon at a foreign university. In addition to European universities, Deggendorf has partnership programms with universities all around the globe including Hong Kong, Buenos Aires and San Diego. This semester is designed to broaden the students' management perspective in their field of interest and improve their understanding of foreign systems and cultures.

Semester 6 and 7

In the final semesters students take capstone seminars and case-study courses in the areas of international management, finance, economics and managing across cultures. They also make their first contributions to the scientific world by conducting independent research and study that culminates in a Bachelor Thesis.


Zentrale Studienberatung
Tel.: 0991 3615 8383

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Program Highlights


  • Year Abroad
    Students study at a choice of foreign partner universities for one semester and work for another semester as student interns at a company. This gives students the opportunity to develop their intercultural competence and gain valuable practical experience. Moreover several of our partner universities offer the opportunity to acquire a double degree.
  • Visiting Lecturers
    Our students have the opportunity to participate in courses given by guest lecturers from all over the world. Our guest lecturers range from international professors which are experts in their respective fields, as well as professionals who bring their practical expertise into the class room

Career Tracks

  • Tailored Specialization
    In addition to learning a broad set of management skills valued by employers worldwide, our student have the opportunity to demonstrate a specialized career focus through our Career Track Programm.

    A Career Track is personalized in conjunction with an academic advisor and consists of appropriate courses, internships and thesis to give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and demonstrate academic and practical expertise in their personal core field.
  • Offered Career Tracks
    • Human Resource Development
    • Finance
    • Accounting
    • Economics
    • Marketing
    • International Project Management
    • Logistics

Supportive Atmosphere

By limiting enrollment each year, we guarantee a supportive, family-like atmosphere.

  • Innovative Courses
    Participants enjoy a mix of theoretical and practical approaches ranging from international team building, leadership training and intercultural workshops to business simulations and international projects as well.
  • Off-Campus Seminars
    Some of the International Management courses include off-campus seminars in order to exploit new study environments and to improve contact between professors and students.


  • English Language
    Because each course is offered in English, the program supports the integration of a wide cross-section of international students joining us from the Brazil to China.
  • Foreign Language
    Participants study at least one foreign language such as Spanish, Italian, French or Chinese (or Business German for foreign students) for a minimum of three semesters.


Zentrale Studienberatung
Tel.: 0991 3615 8383

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Career Profiles

Employers value our graduates due to their broad based managerial education, pratical skill set and international experience. Our students are well prepared to tackle global challenges of today's agile business environment at management positions in various functions and across all industries.

Examples for typical career profiles are:

  • Management and Strategy Consultants
  • Marketing Managers and Consultants
  • Financial Managers and Analysts
  • Human Resources Managers and Specialists
  • Accountants, Auditors and Controllers
  • Economists
  • Operations and Logistics Managers
  • Project Managers


  • Master Human Resource Management
  • Master Strategisches und Internationales Management


Zentrale Studienberatung
Tel.: 0991 3615 8383

Student Recruitment

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Bachelor of Arts (ID 276999)

1. Semester

  • Foreign Language I (2 CP)
  • Human Resource Management (5 CP)
  • International Team Building (2 CP)
  • Principles of Accounting (5 CP)
  • Principles of Logistics (5 CP)
  • Principles of Management & Scientific Writing (5 CP)
  • Quantitative Methods in Economics and Finance (6 CP)

2. Semester

  • Accounting for Managers (5 CP)
  • Business Law (5 CP)
  • Communication and Presentation Techniques (2 CP)
  • Economics and Public Finance (6 CP)
  • Foreign Language II (2 CP)
  • Information Technology I (5 CP)
  • Principles of Marketing (5 CP)

3. Semester

  • Financial Management (5 CP)
  • Foreign Language III (2 CP)
  • Information Technology II (5 CP)
  • International Accounting and Controlling (5 CP)
  • International Business Law (4 CP)
  • International Economics (5 CP)
  • International Marketing (4 CP)

4. Semester

  • Study Period Abroad (30 CP)

5. Semester

  • Internship (30 CP)

6. Semester

  • Business Electives I (5 CP)
  • Case Studies in Global Management (5 CP)
  • Cross Cultural Management (5 CP)
  • International Project Management (5 CP)
  • Managing International Value Chains (5 CP)
  • Tax (5 CP)

7. Semester

  • Bachelor Thesis (10 CP)
  • Business Electives II (5 CP)
  • Case Studies in Global Economics and Trade (5 CP)
  • International Finance (5 CP)
  • Seminar in International Management and Organization (5 CP)

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Übersicht Hochschule

TH Deggendorf › Studienangebot

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Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Science / B.Eng., M.Sc.
Angewandte Informatik / Infotronik
Immer mehr Geräte und Systeme in unserem Umfeld, z.B. Autos, Flugzeuge, medizinische Geräte, aber auch Waschmaschinen und Automaten, werden durch integrierte Rechnersysteme gesteuert. Diese Rechnersysteme werden in der Fachsprache als eingebettete Systeme oder Embedded Systems bezeichnet, weil sie in einem Gerät eingebaut und nicht sofort als Computer erkennbar sind.
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Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Science / B.Eng., M.Sc.
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Vieles läuft heutzutage elektronisch, vom Fensterheber im Auto über Mobiltelefone und Computer bis hin zur Stromerzeugung und Energieumwandlung. Die Steuerung von Maschinen bzw. Fertigungsanlagen erfolgt ebenfalls oft durch den Einsatz elektrischer Einrichtungen. So werden beispielsweise Roboter in der Automobilfertigung eingesetzt.
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Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering / B.Eng., M.Eng.
Wenn Autos in Zukunft weniger Schadstoffe ausstoßen oder vielleicht irgendwann gar keine mehr – dann wird dahinter das Know-how von Maschinenbauingenieuren stecken. Sie entwickeln nicht nur neue Maschinen, sondern verbessern auch bestehende. Motoren sind dabei nur ein Beispiel.
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Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering / B.Eng., M.Eng.
Wer möchte nicht einmal hinter der Kamera stehen, beim Radio arbeiten, 3D-Visualisierungen erstellen oder professionelle Internetauftritte programmieren? Im Bachelorstudiengang Medientechnik der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf wird ein breites Fachwissen im Bereich Druck, TV/Film, Radio und neue Medien und Internetanwendungen vermittelt. Dazu werden ingenieurwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, Informatik und Techniken digitaler Medien mit medienspezifischem Wissen in Grafik, Video und Audio kombiniert, um unsere Absolventen zu einer eigenverantwortlichen Berufstätigkeit als Ingenieur/in zu befähigen.
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Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
In modernen Unternehmen geht nichts mehr ohne den Einsatz von Computern und Internet. Wirtschaftsinformatiker/innen werden von allen Organisationen gebraucht, die zur Abwicklung ihrer Geschäfte Informationstechnologie einsetzen. Im Studium erwirbt man ein fundiertes Fachwissen, das zur Architektur von Informationssystemen aber auch zur Steuerung von Betriebsabläufen benötigt wird.