StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenEuropean Master in Project ManagementFH DortmundProfil
Course Profile

European Master in Project Management - EuroMPM

Fachhochschule Dortmund (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) / FH Dortmund
Master of Arts / Master of Arts
study profile image

The program qualifies for senior managerial work in projects in companies, associations or authorities

The study program is a consecutive application-oriented program.
Accordingly, admission requires a first graduate degree imparting professional skills (Bachelor’s degree or (German) Diplom). The criteria for an application-oriented study program are met both with regard to content and by the lecturers’ quality as these have experience in the job-specific application of academic findings in addition to their academic qualification.


Faculty: Faculty of Business Studies
Academic degree: Master of Arts (M.A)
Standard program duration: 4 Semesters
Social contribution: 299,40 € (reference from summer semester 2025)
Language of instruction: English
Admission: unrestricted with pre-check and an overall grade of at least 2,3
Start of studies: only Winter Semester
Application EU citizen: Mid May to 15 July
Application non-EU citizen: 1 March to 15 June



Course Management
Hermina Motruk


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European Master in Project Management deals with problems like...

  • How to manage different projects successfully?
  • What are efficient and effective approaches, methods and tools of Project Management for different project types?
  • What is the role of a successful Project Manager?

The relevant profile elements are:

  • focus on the application area Project Management
  • investigation and development of Project Management as an academic field
  • communication of the interdisciplinary and cross-domain character of project management through the selection of modules and specializations and by integrating several disciplines in Dortmund and at partner institutions
  • the international focus with the integration in a network of renowned European universities
  • the high share of practical and project-related work in the curriculum, both by the elements of the course modules throughout the semester and by the independent work dominating the third and fourth semesters; this profile element is reinforced by the cooperation of lecturers from the industry with long-term associations with Fachhochschule Dortmund
  • consolidation of the academic element by integration in F&E activities of the universities via the project thesis and the specialization

The Master of Arts prepares you for tasks in Project Management

If the Master’s examination has been passed, Fachhochschule Dortmund awards the academic degree of Master of Arts (MA).

European Master in Project Management is unique due...

to the international orientation, the focus on Project Management in all modules and the strong link to the practical experience in all industry segments.

The curriculum offers specialization in

international orientation, the focus on Project Management in all modules and the strong link to practical work in all industry segments.


Course Management
Hermina Motruk


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Professional perspectives

Graduates of this Master's program find their job opportunities in:

  • Project Management
  • a Project Management Office
  • (Project Management) Consulting
  • in all kind of industries

Cooperative doctorate

The Master's degree is the basis for a doctorate. Graduates who wish to acquire further academic qualifications have the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree at a university through a cooperative doctorate in which Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts cooperates with a university.


Course Management
Hermina Motruk


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What do I need?

1. Required degree

Diplom or a Bachelor's degree in the field of Business Science and/or Project Management and/or Computer Science or a course program closely related to the Master's study program European Master in Project Management at a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) or a university, or the completion of a corresponding accredited Bachelor's qualification program at a university of cooperative education (Berufsakademie) with an overall grade of at least "good" (2,3).

The qualifying degree course of study must have included instruction in the relevant competences in the areas of quantitative business administration, qualitative business administration, project management and computer ccience equalling the required amount at the required level.

Please note that, according to the admission requirements, the required competencies must be acquired during the Bachelor's program. Work experience in the field of project management cannot be considered by the Commission.

In addition, the study programs must amount to a minimum of 180 credit points in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Degrees obtained outside the ECTS-System must be converted into the ECTS-System.

2. Proof of English language proficiency

Proof of sufficient English proficiency provided by a TOEFL-ITP test with at least 550 points or a TOEFL-iBT test amounting to a minimum of 90 points passed within two years before the application was submitted. The proof may also be provided by other test methods equivalent to the TOEFL test in accordance with the European Framework of Reference (e.g., IELTS with at least 6.5 points). The Expert Committee decides whether equivalence is demonstrated. Study programs completed at foreign universities as defined under 1 must also include a final thesis comparable to theses from study programs at German universities with regard to the minimum quality requirements.

Please note that proof of a degree from a Bachelor's or Master's program taught in English is not considered sufficient.

3. Pre-Check Service

In order to verify whether you meet the requirements for admission to the program before submitting your application, all applicants (EU, German, non-EU) are highly recommended to submit their documents for a pre-check.

After successfully passing the pre-check, you will receive instructions and a link to the online portal.

Applications are only possible with a positive pre-check result. The eligibility of previous studies will be assessed exclusively through the pre-check portal. Please refrain from sending inquiries or submitting documents for evaluation via email, as such requests will not be processed by the Commission.

Here you can find the link of the Pre-Check Service >

The Pre-Check portal is open from February 1st until June 13th.


Course Management
Hermina Motruk


To website >


Master of Arts (ID 281307)

1. Semester

  • Project Management - Fundamentals (6 CP)
  • Project Planning and Controlling (6 CP)
  • Quality Management and Standards (6 CP)
  • Self Management and Social Competence (6 CP)
  • Transversal Skills (6 CP)

2. Semester

  • Digital Transformation (6 CP)
  • Elective I (6 CP)
  • International Communication and Change Management (6 CP)
  • Leadership & Teams (6 CP)
  • Multi-Project Management and Organisation (6 CP)

3. Semester

  • Elective II (6 CP)
  • Elective III (6 CP)
  • Project Thesis (18 CP)

4. Semester

  • Thesis (30 CP)

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FH Dortmund › Studienangebot

Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Stell dir vor, du könntest die Wirtschaftswelt formen und die Herausforderungen meistern, die Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt täglich bewältigen müssen. Klingt spannend, oder? Wenn du Spaß an Zahlen hast, gerne organisierst und ein Händchen für Kommunikation hast, dann könnte ein Studium in Betriebswirtschaft genau das Richtige für dich sein!
Master of Business Administration / MBA
Betriebswirtschaft für New Public Management (Verbundstudium)
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Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Betriebswirtschaftliche Logistik
Logistik verbindet Unternehmen in globalen Netzwerken. In Deutschland ist die Logistik nach der Automobilbranche und dem Handel der drittgrößte Wirtschaftsbereich. Ziel und Aufgabe der Logistik ist es, Materialien und Produkte für die Kunden in der richtigen Menge, zur richtigen Zeit, am richtigen Ort und in der richtigen Qualität bereitzustellen. Dies muss nicht nur hocheffizient und kostenoptimal erfolgen, sondern auch nachhaltig.
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Biomedizinische Informationstechnik
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
Business Management
Internationalisierung, Vernetzung und Komplexität in der Wirtschaft entwickeln sich immer weiter. Damit steigen die Anforderungen an Unternehmensführung und Management. General Management ist ein unverzichtbarer Teil erfolgreicher Unternehmen, unabhängig von Branche, Größe und Standort. Der Master-Studiengang Business Management vermittelt Führungs- und Managementkompetenzen mit einem besonderen Augenmerk auf Internationalisierung, technologischen Wandel und Nachhaltigkeit.
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Digital Design
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Digital Transformation
Master of Arts / M.A.
Editorial Design
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Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Im Elektrotechnik-Studium werden zunächst gemeinsame ingenieurwissenschaftliche Grundlagen für die darauf aufbauenden Studienschwerpunkte Elektrische Energie- und Umwelttechnik (EEU) sowie Gebäudesystemtechnik (GST) gelegt.
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Elektrotechnik und Energiesysteme
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Embedded Systems Engineering
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Energiewirtschaft und Energiedatenmanagement
Die Energieversorgung der Zukunft ist die große Herausforderung der nächsten Jahre. Im Fokus steht dabei die universell einsetzbare elektrische Energie. Durch die Aufhebung geschlossener Versorgungsgebiete und den Auftritt unabhängiger Marktteilnehmer entsteht eine bisher ungewohnte Wettbewerbssituation, so dass neben der technischen verstärkt eine betriebswirtschaftliche Sichtweise in den Vordergrund rückt.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
European Master in Project Management
The study program is a consecutive application-oriented program. Accordingly, admission requires a first graduate degree imparting professional skills (Bachelor’s degree or (German) Diplom). The criteria for an application-oriented study program are met both with regard to content and by the lecturers’ quality as these have experience in the job-specific application of academic findings in addition to their academic qualification.
Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering / B.Eng., M.Eng.
Master of Arts / M.A.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Film & Sound
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxes (FACT)
Interessierst du dich für Betriebswirtschaft und möchtest dabei speziell dein Wissen in Finanzen, Rechnungswesen, Controlling und Steuerwesen vertiefen? Unser Studiengang bietet dir genau das: Von Anfang an konzentrieren wir uns auf diese Kerngebiete und bereiten dich gründlich auf eine erfolgreiche Karriere in diesen Bereichen vor.
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Taxation
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Taxation - Controlling & Digitalisierung
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Master of Arts / M.A.
Fotografie - Photographic Studies
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Gebäudehüllen aus Metall
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Informatik (dual)
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
International Business / International Business Management
Sie eignen sich international orientierte Fach- und Methodenkenntnisse, mindestens zwei Fremdsprachen, interkulturelle Kompetenzen sowie durch die verpflichtenden Auslandsaufenthalte erste internationale Erfahrungen an. Dadurch eröffnen sich Ihnen attraktive Berufschancen in Unternehmen und Institutionen auf einem weltweiten Markt. Eine besondere Chance, die Internationalität auf professionellem Niveau unter Beweis zu stellen, ist das Verfassen der Abschlussarbeit in einer der Fremdsprachen.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
International Management
Internationalization, networking and complexity in the industry are constantly evolving. As a result, the demands placed on corporate management and the management team are increasing. International management is an indispensable part of successful, multinational companies - regardless of the industry, size and location. The Master's program in International Management teaches leadership and management skills with a special focus on internationalization, technological change and sustainability.
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Internationales Projektingenieurwesen (berufsbegleitend)
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering / B.Eng., M.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Maschinenbau (berufsbegleitend)
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Medizinische Informatik
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Objekt- und Raumdesign
Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering / B.Eng., M.Eng.
Orthopädie- und Rehabilitationstechnik
Master of Arts / M.A.
Ressource Architektur (Teilzeit, berufsbegleitend)
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Serious Games & Digital Knowledge
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Soziale Arbeit
Master of Arts / M.A.
Soziale Arbeit - Jugend in Theorie und Praxis
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Soziale Arbeit mit dem Schwerpunkt Migration - Integration
Master of Arts / M.A.
Soziale Nachhaltigkeit und demografischer Wandel
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Städtebau NRW
Master of Arts / M.A.
Szenografie & Kommunikation/Scenographic Design & Communication
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Versicherungswirtschaft (dual)
Duales Studium bedeutet, dass Sie parallel das Studium und eine Ausbildung zur Kauffrau oder zum Kaufmann für Versicherungen und Finanzanlagen absolvieren. Organisiert ist dies als Drei-Säulen-Modell, an dem neben der Fachhochschule und den Versicherungsunternehmen das Berufsbildungswerk der Versicherungswirtschaft in Dortmund e.V. beteiligt ist.
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (Verbundstudium)