StudiumFachbereicheMedizin und GesundheitswesenPharmaziePharmaceutical MedicineHS FreseniusProfilMaster
Course Profile

Pharmaceutical Medicine

Hochschule Fresenius, Campus Wiesbaden / HS Fresenius
Master of Science / Master of Science
study profile image

Gain in-depth knowledge and practical insights

Have you completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree in medicine, pharmacy, or a life science, and are currently working in the industry? The master’s in Pharmaceutical Medicine offers a part-time degree program lasting 1.5 years, where you'll acquire in-depth knowledge and practical insights. This program also covers comprehensive topics in drug analysis and clinical studies, equipping you with the expertise needed to pursue careers in research, development, and regulatory affairs.

Key Facts

Programm start: Winter semester
Duration: 3 semesters
Language: English
Study form: Extra-occupational / part-time
Tuition fee: 650€ monthly + 70,00€ per month (non-EU)
Registration fee: 250€
Application time: Possible all year round
Graduation: Master of Science



Study advice team
Tel.: +49 221 650339 88

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Throughout the semesters, you will deepen your pharmaceutical knowledge and practical skills, with a particular emphasis on pharmacology and clinical development. You will acquire in-depth knowledge of evidence-based drug research, clinical trial methodologies, and the ethical and scientific principles underlying drug development and monitoring.

The part-time structure of the program is designed to offer you the flexibility required to balance your work and studies, allowing you to pursue job opportunities that enhance your practical experience and contribute to your financial stability.

In addition to these core topics, there are also collaborative modules available, including the economic evaluation of health interventions (M.Sc. in International Health Economics) and relevant knowledge and guidelines.

The examination regulations guarantee that all students are equipped with the essential knowledge required for a career in the challenging pharmaceutical industry. Regular classes are held weekly on Fridays and Saturdays, complemented by additional language courses offered during the week, providing a framework for consistent learning and active engagement throughout your educational experience.

Practical focus

As a professional in pharmaceutical medicine, you will require comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. The research-focused internship provides you with the chance to gain deeper insights into conducting and analyzing clinical studies while collaborating on current research projects with industry partners.

By engaging actively in research projects, you will have the chance to broaden your knowledge and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams. You will be supported by experienced lecturers who will provide supervision throughout your work.


Study advice team
Tel.: +49 221 650339 88

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Career Prospects

The master's program's structure allows you to acclimate to life in Germany while studying. Its flexible, part-time nature enables you to balance work and gain practical experience. You'll also have opportunities to improve your German language skills, enhancing your employability.

Graduates of the Master’s in Pharmaceutical Medicine (M.Sc.) will find diverse career opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in leadership and management roles.

Possible areas include:

  • Potential areas include:
  • Clinical research and study management
  • Drug safety and pharmacovigilance
  • Regulatory affairs and authorisation management
  • Project and product management in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Drug development and testing in biopharmaceutical companies


Study advice team
Tel.: +49 221 650339 88

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Admission Requirements

Would you like to be equipped to work in fields such as drug research, development, and testing, both in the national and international markets? Here are the requirements you need:

  • To enroll in the master's degree program in Pharmaceutical Medicine (M.Sc.) at Charlotte Fresenius University, you need to meet certain basic requirements. Specifically, you should hold a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy, medicine, or life sciences such as chemistry or biology. Additionally, your bachelor's degree must be worth at least 240 Credit Points.
  • The degree program is conducted in English, which is why a B2 level of English language proficiency is necessary. You must provide proof of this according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • If you meet these basic requirements, we look forward to receiving your formal application. We would also be happy to assist you during a personal interview.


Study advice team
Tel.: +49 221 650339 88

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HS Fresenius › Master › Studienangebot

profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
Business Development & Digital Innovation
Innovationen vorantreiben, Produkte entwickeln, Geschäftsideen verwirklichen. Der Master in Business Development & Digital Innovation richtet sich an dich, wenn du dich für kreative Prozesse und ihre konkrete Umsetzung begeisterst. Denn hier lernst du effektiv und zielführend, wie Innovationen wirklich realisiert werden können. Du beschäftigst dich mit Themen, wie Produktentwicklung, Markteintritt, Digitalisierung und Entrepreneurship und profitierst von echtem Expertenwissen aus der Praxis.
Master of Arts / M.A.
Controlling und Unternehmensführung (berufsbegleitend)
Master of Arts / M.A.
Digitales Management (berufsbegleitend)
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Digitales Management & Leadership
Du möchtest ein wichtiger Teil der digitalisierten Unternehmenswelt von morgen werden? Dann ist der Masterstudiengang Digitales Management & Leadership (M.Sc.) genau das Richtige für Dich! Er vermittelt Dir das Know-how, das Du brauchst, um die Chancen digitaler Veränderungsprozesse zu nutzen und deren Herausforderungen zu bewältigen: Du baust umfassende interdisziplinäre Fachkenntnisse über digitale Geschäftsmodelle auf, beschäftigst Dich mit Strategien, Technologien und Organisationsformen und lernst, wie Du Unternehmen in die digitale Zukunft führen kannst. Dabei erwirbst Du nicht nur ein breites theoretisches Know-how, sondern arbeitest auch an konkreten Fragestellungen aus der unternehmerischen Praxis.
Master of Arts / M.A.
Fashion and Product Management
Master of Arts / M.A.
Fashion and Retail Management
Master of Business Administration / MBA
General Management (berufsbegleitend)
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
International Health Economics & Pharmacoeconomics
Die Studieninhalte und Schwerpunkte des Studiums der International Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics (M.Sc.) schaffen eine optimale Basis für Ihre nächste Karrierestufe im Healthcare-Bereich, einem der wichtigsten Bereiche der Zukunft. Lernen Sie internationale Gesundheitssysteme kennen und werden Sie zum Experten für Pricing und Market Access!
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Kieferorthopädie und Alignertherapie (berufsbegleitend)
In diesem Studium hast du die Chance, dein Wissen auf höchstem Niveau in aktuellen Fragestellungen durch Fortbildungen in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Entwicklung zu vertiefen. Darüber hinaus erlangst du digitale Kompetenzen durch das Themenfeld “Digitalisierung der Zahnmedizin”.
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Pharmaceutical Medicine
Have you completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree in medicine, pharmacy, or a life science, and are currently working in the industry? The master’s in Pharmaceutical Medicine offers a part-time degree program lasting 1.5 years, where you'll acquire in-depth knowledge and practical insights. This program also covers comprehensive topics in drug analysis and clinical studies, equipping you with the expertise needed to pursue careers in research, development, and regulatory affairs.
profiles teaser
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Wirtschaftsforensik (berufsbegleitend)
Mit einem Masterabschluss in Wirtschaftsforensik (M.Sc.) leisten Sie Detektivarbeit der etwas anderen Art: Sie erkennen Verdachtsmomente für das Vorliegen von Wirtschaftskriminalität, ergreifen Maßnahmen zur Erhärtung von Verdachtsmomenten und koordinieren die letztendliche Aufklärung gemeinsam mit Fachspezialisten.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Im Fokus des Studiums steht die Vermittlung des psychologisch fundierten Umgangs mit wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Darüber hinaus werden Sie dazu befähigt, individuelles und kollektives Erleben und Verhalten in Unternehmen und der Wirtschaft zu erklären und vorherzusagen. Qualifikationen, die heute gefragter sind denn je.