StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenInternational ManagementMaster

Rechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenFachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Studiengang International Management

Hier findest Du alle Hochschulen, an denen Du International Management studieren kannst. Bitte beachte, dass die Namen der Studiengänge von Hochschule zu Hochschule variieren können, auch wenn das Studium inhaltlich ähnlich ist.

Beispielsweise könnten für Dich bei Deiner Recherche die folgenden Bezeichnungen von Studiengängen auch interessant sein: International Business, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, International Business and Management, Management, International Business Management

Zur vollständigen Liste der Studienangebote im Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften >

Liste der Hochschulen nach Postleitzahlen

profiles teaser
20148 Hamburg
Hochschule Fresenius, Campus Hamburg / HS Fresenius P
International Management
Master of Arts / M.A.
Globalization eradicates borders, and digitalization prompts industries and societies to form closer networks. In this world, experts are those who combine knowledge of their industry with an understanding of organizational processes, and the ability to think economically, dynamically, and based on solutions. If you want to become one of these experts but did not gain specialized economics expertise yet, this Master’s program will provide you with the know-how you need.
20457 Hamburg
International School of Management (ISM), Campus Hamburg / ISM Hamburg P
International Management
Master of Science / M.Sc.
profiles teaser
20457 Hamburg
Kühne Logistics University / KLU P
International Management
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Our MSc in International Management program provides you with the management and leadership skills you will need for your career in a multinational company. Our courses cover a broad range of topics in the key business administration fields and, additionally, focus on sustainability and digitalization. Thus, sharpen your entrepreneurial thinking (entrepreneurship) and sustainable actions in a global environment, and enhance your career prospects. The program targets your personal development and focuses on developing your leadership abilities. The teaching method includes both case- and project-based learning, excursions, business simulations, integrated internships, and regular interaction with industry professionals. Practical relevance is the program’s core.
23966 Wismar
Hochschule Wismar / HS Wismar
International Management
Master of Science / M.Sc.
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