Bachelor of Science (ID 211597)
1. Semester
- Computer Science | Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (5 CP)
- Computer Science | Programming (5 CP)
- Design Basics 1 (5 CP)
- Design- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (5 CP)
- UX/UI Design and Gamification, Project Management (Cooperation Project) (5 CP)
- Wahlpflichtmodul Design I (5 CP)
2. Semester
- Basecamp | Integrierte Informationsarchitektur + Service Design Thinking (5 CP)
- Basecamp | Usability Engineering (5 CP)
- Computer Science | Computer Networks and Internet Protocols (5 CP)
- Design- und Medienwissenschaft (5 CP)
- Software Engineering | Distributed Software Systems (Cooperation Project) (5 CP)
- Wahlpflichtmodul Design II (5 CP)
3. Semester
- Content Marketing + SEO/SEM Strategie (5 CP)
- Instructional Design + Digital Learning Environment (5 CP)
- Mathematics 1 (5 CP)
- Software Engineering | Cross-Platform Applications (Cooperation Project) (5 CP)
- UX/UI Informationspsychologie / UX Writing (5 CP)
- Wahlpflichtmodul Design III (5 CP)
4. Semester
- Computer Science | Database Systems (5 CP)
- Deepening: Lab Project (5 CP)
- Freies Projekt Development / Startup / Entrepreneurship (5 CP)
- Mathematics 2 (5 CP)
- Software Engineering | Content Management Systems (Cooperation Project) (5 CP)
- Wahlpflichtmodul Design IV (5 CP)
5. Semester
- Mobility phase / Free project / Development (10 CP)
- Mobility phase / internship | Development (20 CP)
6. Semester
- Computer Science | Introduction Data Science (5 CP)
- Computer Science | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (5 CP)
- Game Design + Game Development | VR/AR Unity (5 CP)
- Software Engineering | Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (Cooperation Projects) (5 CP)
- Wahlpflichtmodul Design V (5 CP)
- Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium (5 CP)
7. Semester
- Bachelorthesis Development | Digital Products (10 CP)
- Business Intelligence (5 CP)
- Entrepreneurship und Medienrecht Design (5 CP)
- Preparation B.Sc. Thesis / Next Generation Development (5 CP)
- Writing Workshop | Preperation B.Sc. Thesis (5 CP)