StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenSustainability & Transformation ManagementHS FreseniusProfil
Course Profile

Sustainability & Transformation Management

Hochschule Fresenius, Campus Berlin / HS Fresenius
Master of Science / Master of Science
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Your Master’s Program: Sustainability & Transformation Management

To meet global climate targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, businesses must immediately realign their practices. This calls for a fundamental reconsideration of conventional approaches and the emergence of a new cohort of professionals who possess both business acumen and a deep understanding of sustainability and transformation. Enrolling in the Master's program in Sustainability & Transformation Management (M.Sc.) will enable you to join these experts and make a significant impact.

At Hochschule Fresenius, we emphasize practical learning. Expert instructors with professional experience will provide application-oriented teaching through interactive methods such as case studies, projects, excursions, and workshops.

Program Details

This M.Sc. is an international, practical program designed to enhance your business expertise with a range of comprehensive skills. You’ll gain a distinctive collection of sustainability management competencies and comprehension of transformation and change management strategies.

The program includes the following fields of study:

Sustainability Management: Learn to assess the environmental and social impacts of business activities and integrating international sustainability frameworks.

Transformation Management: Acquire knowledge of transforming complex organizations, with a focus on change management processes and their implementation.

Corporate Governance & Public Affairs: Develop an understanding of corporate leadership, especially the requirements of governance and its implementation in global organizations.

Advanced Management Essentials: Acquire critical leadership skills to manage projects, teams, and companies in a future-oriented and agile manner.

Intercultural & Language Skills: Build German language skills during the 1st and 2nd semesters. Prepare for a global environment in the Intercultural Competence module and develop linguistic skills in a further foreign language.

Research Methods & Empirical Skills: Learn how research informs business decisions and acquire specific methods to gather and analyze data.


Study advice Berlin
Frederik Miebach
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-37

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Program Structure

During the four semesters of the Master’s program you’ll delve deep into issues of business and sustainability. During the first two semesters you’ll build a strong foundation while taking courses such as

  • Corporate Sustainability
  • Economic Concepts of Prosperity within Planetary Boundaries
  • Leadership & Management
  • Advanced Project Management
  • Sustainable Strategy & Sustainable Finance
  • Managing Transformation & Change
  • Innovation Management & Design Thinking

In addition to the compulsory modules, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue your personal interests and develop your professional profile. In the 3rd semester, you’ll choose an elective module on one of the following topics:

  • Corporate Finance
  • International Relations & Current World Affairs
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Consumer Behavior & Psychology
  • Strategic Marketing & Brand Management

Alternatively, you can choose to complete an internship instead of an elective module or opt for a semester abroad.

You’ll round out your studies in semester 4 by learning about corporate governance and public affairs & government relations and will finish your Master’s Thesis.


Study advice Berlin
Frederik Miebach
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-37

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Career Prospects

The M.Sc. program equips you with the necessary skills to become an agent of change in the corporate world. It will enhance your business knowledge while developing your expertise in areas such as sustainability reporting, stakeholder management, and transformation and change management. Upon graduation, you’ll be able to lead and drive the transformation of businesses towards an environmentally and socially sustainable economy.

Due to the all-encompassing nature of sustainability challenges, you will find numerous career opportunities with companies in every sector of the economy, non-profit organizations, self-employment, or even by launching your sustainable start-up. Such prospects include but are not limited to:

  • Corporate sustainability management and advisory positions
  • Project management roles for corporate change and transformation initiatives
  • Leadership positions and strategy consulting roles
  • Management consulting and change management roles
  • Sustainability consulting and strategy advisory positions

Graduates of the Master's program may also consider pursuing a doctorate degree.


Study advice Berlin
Frederik Miebach
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-37

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Admission Criteria

The M.Sc. program in Sustainability & Transformation Management requires applicants to fulfill specific admission requirements. These include:

  • Holding a Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 180 credit points.
  • In your Bachelor’s degree, you must have gained 60 credit points in the fields of business or economics.
  • Providing proof of English language proficiency at Level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

If you have not yet completed your B.A., you can still begin your Master's program, provided you have earned at least 80 percent of the credit points at the time of enrollment. Furthermore, Bachelor's students at Hochschule Fresenius will only be charged the monthly Master's tuition fees when they start the Master's program.

Please contact the Study Advice Service for further information.


Study advice Berlin
Frederik Miebach
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-37

To website >


HS Fresenius › Studienangebot

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Master of Science / M.Sc.
Sustainability & Transformation Management
To meet global climate targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, businesses must immediately realign their practices. This calls for a fundamental reconsideration of conventional approaches and the emergence of a new cohort of professionals who possess both business acumen and a deep understanding of sustainability and transformation. Enrolling in the Master's program in Sustainability & Transformation Management (M.Sc.) will enable you to join these experts and make a significant impact.
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