StudiumFachbereicheGesellschaftswissenschaften und SozialwissenschaftenSportSportpsychologieSRH UniversityInfoBachelor

SRH University › Bachelor › Studienangebot

Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Advertising & Brand Design
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Applied Mechatronic Systems
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Business Psychology
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Computer Science
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Creative Industries Management
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Digital Marketing
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Event- und Musikmanagement
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Film & Motion Design
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Film und Fernsehen
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Game Design
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Business Administration / B.A., MBA
Healthcare Management
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Internationales Hotelmanagement
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Internationales Hotelmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Internationales Tourismus- und Eventmanagement
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Internationales Tourismus- und Eventmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Kommunikationsdesign (dual)
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Kreatives Schreiben und Texten
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Bachelor of Music / B.Mus.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
PR-Management und Journalismus
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Soziale Arbeit
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Soziale Arbeit (dual)
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
User Experience Design and Content Creation
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Web Development
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Web Development (dual)
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science / B.A., M.Sc.