StudiumUniversitäten und HochschulenMerz AkademieTermine

Ringvorlesung: Sustainability and Compatibility

Stuttgart, 11.06.2024 19:30–20:30 Uhr
© Merz Akademie

In the art-compatible farming practice of Tamarind Rossetti and Stephen Wright, sustainability is less about slowing down or speeding up, scaling back or scaling up, than about finding modes of compatibility between disparate rhythms and scales, to bring about a compatible beneficium, a benefit which can be held together with another one in a mutually beneficial arrangement. On the agro-ecological test-site they ran in the Corrèze, La Ferme au Sauvage, they strove for compatible beneficium between the practicalities of farming and teaching at an art academy. In their presentation, they will use the example of their farm-embedded art project to draw some conclusions about the compatibility of art and agriculture, arguing that sustainability depends upon seeing art as the future of agriculture as the future of art.

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Merz Akademie Hochschule für Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien, Stuttgart
Teckstraße 58
70190 Stuttgart

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