Studiumnews@studieren.deTerminkalenderOpen Day of EBS Universität

Open Day of EBS Universität

Oestrich-Winkel, 06.09.2024 16:00–19:30 Uhr

Our university management will welcome you personally and our student advisors will give you an insight into the various degree programmes. Take a campus tour with our students and talk to our professors over snacks and drinks. You are welcome to bring friends and family to this event.

We look forward to welcoming you in person!

Alle Veranstaltungen der Hochschule
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Online Info Session Jurastudium (LL.B., EjP)
Erfahren Sie in einer spannenden und ausführlichen Präsentation durch unsere Studienberater mehr über das Studienprogramm, das Besondere an der EBS Universität und viele Details zu Aufnahmeverfahren und Studienfinanzierung.
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EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Online Info Session Bachelor in Law, Politics and Economics (BA)
Learn more about the study programme, what is special about EBS Universität and many details about the admission procedure and study financing in an exciting and detailed presentation by our study advisors.
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EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Online Info Session Bachelor in Business Studies (BSc)
Learn more about the study program, what is special about EBS and many details about the admission procedure and study financing in an exciting and detailed presentation by our study advisors.
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EBS Universität, Studienorientierung & Weiterbildung
Online Info Session Master (MSc) and MBA programmes
Find out everything you need to know about the Master's and MBA programmes at EBS from our student advisors.
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EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Campus tour with students at the Rheingau campus
Experience the campus of EBS Universität and get in touch with our students! Feel the unique campus atmosphere: Our students will guide you personally across our campus and are at your side for any questions you may have.
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung & Weiterbildung
Online Info Session Berufsbegleitendes Masterstudium (M.A.)
Erfahren Sie von unserem Studienberater und Studierenden mehr über den berufsbegleitenden Master in Business.
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Online Info Session Jurastudium (LL.B., EjP)
Erfahren Sie in einer spannenden und ausführlichen Präsentation durch unsere Studienberater mehr über das Studienprogramm, das Besondere an der EBS Universität und viele Details zu Aufnahmeverfahren und Studienfinanzierung.
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Online Info Session Bachelor in Business Studies (BSc)
Learn more about the study program, what is special about EBS and many details about the admission procedure and study financing in an exciting and detailed presentation by our study advisors.
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung & Weiterbildung
Online Info Session Master (MSc) and MBA programmes
Find out everything you need to know about the Master's and MBA programmes at EBS from our student advisors.
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Online Info Session Bachelor in Law, Politics and Economics (BA)
Learn more about the study programme, what is special about EBS Universität and many details about the admission procedure and study financing in an exciting and detailed presentation by our study advisors.
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung & Weiterbildung
Online Info Session Berufsbegleitendes Masterstudium (M.A.)
Erfahren Sie von unserem Studienberater und Studierenden mehr über den berufsbegleitenden Master in Business.
event tumbnail
EBS Universität, Studienorientierung
Open Day of EBS Universität
Get a taste of campus life and take the opportunity to meet students and professors at EBS Universität. Find out what makes studying at EBS so special.
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