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International Relations

Karlshochschule International University / Karlshochschule International University
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
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Bachelor of Arts
Internationales Studium
Karlshochschule International University

Bachelor of Arts (ID 267895)

1. Semester

  • Cultural Studies (5 CP)
  • Foreign Language 1 (4 CP, W)
    • English as a Foreign Language 1 (4 CP, W)
    • German as a Foreign Language 1 (4 CP, W)
  • Global Economy (6 CP)
  • International Organizations (5 CP)
  • Introduction to International Relations (5 CP)
  • Introduction to Scientific Research Methods (10 CP)

2. Semester

  • Foreign Language 2 (4 CP, W)
    • English as a Foreign Language 2 (4 CP, W)
    • German as a Foreign Language 2 (4 CP, W)
  • Foreign Policy Analysis (6 CP)
  • Introduction in Strategic Practice (6 CP)
  • Political Philosophy (6 CP)
  • Sustainable Development (6 CP)

3. Semester

  • Anthropology (6 CP)
  • Area Studies (6 CP)
  • Change and Innovation (6 CP)
  • Conflict Resolution (6 CP)
  • Foreign Language 2.1 (6 CP, W)
    • Arabic 1 (6 CP, W)
    • Chinese 1 (6 CP, W)
    • French 1 (6 CP, W)
    • Italian 1 (6 CP, W)
    • Japanese 1 (6 CP, W)
    • Portuguese 1 (6 CP, W)
    • Russian 1 (6 CP, W)
    • Spanish 1 (6 CP, W)

4. Semester

  • Contemporary Society (6 CP)
  • Elective (6 CP)
  • Foreign Language 2.2 (6 CP, W)
    • Arabic 2 (6 CP, W)
    • Chinese 2 (6 CP, W)
    • French 2 (6 CP, W)
    • Italian 2 (6 CP, W)
    • Japanese 2 (6 CP, W)
    • Portuguese 2 (6 CP, W)
    • Russian 2 (6 CP, W)
    • Spanish 2 (6 CP, W)
  • International Coll aboration (6 CP)
  • Introductory Project (6 CP)

5. Semester

  • Advanced Project (6 CP)
  • Culture & Language (6 CP, W)
    • Arabic 3 (6 CP, W)
    • Chinese 3 (6 CP, W)
    • French 3 (6 CP, W)
    • Italian 3 (6 CP, W)
    • Japanese 3 (6 CP, W)
    • Portuguese 3 (6 CP, W)
    • Russian 3 (6 CP, W)
    • Spanish 3 (6 CP, W)
  • Economic Institutionalism (6 CP)
  • Ethics (6 CP, W)
    • Ethics and Globalization (6 CP, W)
    • Ethics and Sustainability (6 CP, W)
    • Ethics in Practice (6 CP, W)
  • Justice, Human and Constitutional Rights (6 CP)

6. Semester

  • Bachelor Thesis including (12 CP)
  • Internship (18 CP)

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