StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenInternational ManagementHS WismarInfoBachelor und Master

International Management

Hochschule Wismar / Hochschule Wismar
Master of Science / M.Sc.
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Master of Science
Winter- und Sommersemester
Internationales Studium
Fremdsprachiges Studium
Hochschule Wismar

Master of Science (ID 276512)

1. Semester

  • Business simulation and controlling (6 CP)
  • Knowledge management (6 CP)
  • Organisational communication management (6 CP)
  • Wahlpflichtmodule (24 CP)
    • Business ethics (6 CP, W)
    • Export marketing (6 CP, W)
    • German language and culture I (6 CP, W)
    • German language and culture II (6 CP, W)
    • Global rules to civilize global production networks and corporations (6 CP, W)
    • Interdisciplinary project I (6 CP, W)
    • Interdisciplinary project II (6 CP, W)
    • International business transactions (6 CP, W)
    • Principles of health and safety (6 CP, W)
    • Public international law (6 CP, W)
    • State and economy (6 CP, W)
    • Transport management (6 CP, W)

2. Semester

  • Innovation management (6 CP)
  • Intercultural studies (6 CP)
  • Interdisciplinary case studies (6 CP)

3. Semester

  • Academic research and writing (6 CP)
  • Master-Thesis und Kolloquium (24 CP)

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