StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenInternational ManagementHS FreseniusProfilMaster
Course Profile

International Management

Hochschule Fresenius, Campus Hamburg / HS Fresenius
Master of Arts / Master of Arts
study profile image

For Non-Business Graduates: International Management Master's Program

Globalization eradicates borders, and digitalization prompts industries and societies to form closer networks. In this world, experts are those who combine knowledge of their industry with an understanding of organizational processes, and the ability to think economically, dynamically, and based on solutions. If you want to become one of these experts but did not gain specialized economics expertise yet, this Master’s program will provide you with the know-how you need.


Program start: Winter and summer semester
Duration: 4 Semester
Language: English
Study form: Full time
Tuition fee: 880,00 € monthly +70,00 € per month (non-EU) (a one-off registration fee may be due)
Application time: possible all year round


Study advice 
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

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Your study program in detail

The Master’s program International Management (M.A.) aims to turn students into economics enablers. Whether you’re looking to go into marketing, HR, or finance, you will not only have the economic expertise necessary to start your career but will also know how to use this when identifying solutions. Management becomes both a skill and a way to think ahead, anticipating challenges but also facilitating change. Find out more about the program here!

Study content

The Master’s study program International Management (M.A.) gives you an in-depth understanding of current economic and social challenges and teaches you to apply business measures in contexts such as society, technology, education, and culture. You will also learn how organizations work and how to communicate with multiple stakeholders inside and outside the economic arena in order to achieve long-lasting solutions. You will acquire skills such as:

  • Management essentials in a global context
  • Interdisciplinary project management
  • Advanced international management
  • German-language, intercultural and language skills
  • Economic thinking
  • Managerial economics
  • Finance for non-finance managers


Study advice 
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

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Career prospects with your study program

After completing the Master’s program International Management (M.A.), you will have the wide-ranging expertise and business skills required to assume a management role with a global company, work for a non-profit organization or public institution, or return to the discipline of your Bachelor’s degree, with new talents that will allow you to shine. With your interdisciplinary background and newly acquired intercultural competencies, you will also be well-equipped to coordinate your own teams.

After you successfully completed the Master’s study program International Management (M.A.), you will have the following career prospects, for example:

  • Management positions in small, medium-sized, and large companies
  • Upscale positions with international companies
  • Management positions in various departments and intercultural teams
  • Assistant to or spokesperson for the management or heads of department
  • Change management and management consultant
  • Consulting positions in NGOs or public institutions

Master’s graduates also have the option of pursuing a doctorate.


Study advice 
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

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Your way to Hochschule Fresenius

To be admitted to the Master’s study program International Management (M.A.) (for Non-Business Graduates) at Hochschule Fresenius, you need to fulfil the following requirements:

Bachelor's degree
You must have completed a Bachelor’s study program with at least 180 credit points.

Subject-specific admission requirements
You do not need to have earned credit points in a business-related subject in order to be admitted. Previous knowledge of economics is not required. On the contrary, you can have gained a maximum of 60 credit points in business or economics in your Bachelor’s degree.

For more information, please contact our Study Advice Service.

Language skills
Your English language skills must be equivalent to Level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Application process >


Study advice 
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

To website >


HS Fresenius › Master › Studienangebot

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Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science / B.A., M.Sc.
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Controlling und Unternehmensführung (berufsbegleitend)
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Master of Science / M.Sc.
Corporate Finance & Controlling
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Digitales Management (berufsbegleitend)
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Master of Science / M.Sc.
Digitales Management & Leadership
Du möchtest ein wichtiger Teil der digitalisierten Unternehmenswelt von morgen werden? Dann ist der Masterstudiengang Digitales Management & Leadership (M.Sc.) genau das Richtige für Dich! Er vermittelt Dir das Know-how, das Du brauchst, um die Chancen digitaler Veränderungsprozesse zu nutzen und deren Herausforderungen zu bewältigen: Du baust umfassende interdisziplinäre Fachkenntnisse über digitale Geschäftsmodelle auf, beschäftigst Dich mit Strategien, Technologien und Organisationsformen und lernst, wie Du Unternehmen in die digitale Zukunft führen kannst. Dabei erwirbst Du nicht nur ein breites theoretisches Know-how, sondern arbeitest auch an konkreten Fragestellungen aus der unternehmerischen Praxis.
Master of Arts / M.A.
Fashion and Product Management
Master of Arts / M.A.
Fashion and Retail Management
Master of Business Administration / MBA
General Management (berufsbegleitend)
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Human Resources Management
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Human Resources Management (berufsbegleitend)
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Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science / B.A., M.Sc.
Mit dem Studium der Immobilienwirtschaft (B.A.) in Vollzeit verschaffen Sie sich das Fundament für einen erfolgreichen Karrierestart in einem aussichtsreichen Arbeitsmarkt. Der praxisorientierte Studiengang vermittelt Ihnen ein umfassendes Spezialwissen der Immobilienwirtschaft und kombiniert diese Inhalte mit betriebswirtschaftlichem Know-how und Methodenkompetenz.
profiles teaser
Master of Arts / M.A.
International Management
Globalization eradicates borders, and digitalization prompts industries and societies to form closer networks. In this world, experts are those who combine knowledge of their industry with an understanding of organizational processes, and the ability to think economically, dynamically, and based on solutions. If you want to become one of these experts but did not gain specialized economics expertise yet, this Master’s program will provide you with the know-how you need.
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Master of Science / M.Sc.
Marketing und Sales
Du willst in deinem späteren Beruf als Fach- oder Führungskraft richtig durchstarten? Und du suchst nach einem Studium, das dir ein umfassendes Know-how im Marketing und gleichzeitig breite Kenntnisse im Vertrieb vermittelt? Dann passt der Masterstudiengang Marketing & Sales (M.Sc.) perfekt zu dir und deinen Zielen!
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Physician Assistance
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Master of Arts / M.A.
Der interdisziplinäre Masterstudiengang Corporate Communication (M.A.) in Düsseldorf vermittelt Ihnen die Theorien und die Praxis der strategischen Kommunikation. Für alle Absolventen eines geisteswissenschaftlichen Bachelorstudiums ist der Masterstudiengang Corporate Communication (M.A.) die ideale Erweiterung und Vertiefung Ihrer fachlichen und anwendungsorientierten Kompetenzen. Wir bereiten Sie damit fundiert und praxisnah auf alle Kommunikationsberufe vor.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Im Fokus des Studiums steht die Vermittlung des psychologisch fundierten Umgangs mit wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Darüber hinaus werden Sie dazu befähigt, individuelles und kollektives Erleben und Verhalten in Unternehmen und der Wirtschaft zu erklären und vorherzusagen. Qualifikationen, die heute gefragter sind denn je.