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Info-Session Bachelor Business Administration with Informatics and Master International Management and Information Systems

Bachelor Business Administration with Informatics
The Bachelor`s degree course Business Administration with Informatics B.A. is aimed at prospective students who want to acquire broad and application-oriented knowledge in business administration coupled with applied computer science skills as well as international competencies through improved English language and intercultural skills.
Master International Management and Information Systems
The Master`s degree course International Management and Information Systems M.A. focuses on integrating a broad management perspective with IT skills, preparing for a business environment where IT competencies are the key to running international companies.
In this info-session you will receive all information about both degree programmes, such as structure and content, as well as requirements and (international) career prospects.
Further Information: www.fh-swf.de/de/ueber_uns/events_3/veranstaltungen___events/eventseiten/soest_7/infoveranstaltung_business_administration_with_informatics_b_a__1.php