StudiumFachbereicheIngenieurwissenschaftenElektrotechnikInformation and Communication DesignHS Rhein-WaalInfoBachelor

Information and Communication Design

Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Standort Kamp-Lintfort / Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Standort Kamp-Lintfort
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
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Bachelor of Arts
Internationales Studium
Fremdsprachiges Studium
Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Standort Kamp-Lintfort

Bachelor of Arts, Stand 03/15 (ID 106184)

1. Semester

  • Communication Design Basics 1 (5 CP)
  • Design History (5 CP)
  • Digital Media and Software (5 CP)
  • Drawing 1 (5 CP)
  • Experimental Design (5 CP)
  • Photography 1 (5 CP)

2. Semester

  • Communication Design Basics 2 (5 CP)
  • Design Technologies (5 CP)
  • Drawing 2 (5 CP)
  • Fundamentals of Typography (5 CP)
  • Photography 2 (5 CP)
  • Project Management and Intercultural Competence (5 CP)

3. Semester

  • Design Project 1 (10 CP)
  • Design Project 2 (10 CP)
  • Media Production 1 (5 CP)
  • Verbal and Visual Information Processing (5 CP)

4. Semester

  • Design Project 3 (10 CP)
  • Design Project 4 (10 CP)
  • Design Theory (5 CP)
  • Media Production 2 (5 CP)

5. Semester

  • Design Project 5 (10 CP)
  • Design Project 6 (10 CP)
  • Entrepreneurship (5 CP)
  • Media Theories (5 CP)

6. Semester

  • Internship / Semester Abroad (30 CP)

7. Semester

  • Media and Copyright Law (3 CP)
  • Plenum (5 CP)
  • Thesis / Presentation (15 CP)
  • Workshop Design Research (6 CP)

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