Master of Science (ID 24073)
1. Semester
- Advanced Sedimentology (10 CP, W)
- Applied geophysics I (10 CP, W)
- Applied geothermal energy (8 CP, W)
- Arbeitssicherheit I / Baustellenorganisation (2 CP, W)
- Baubetrieb und Management (9 CP, W)
- Boden- und Vegetationsökologie (6 CP, W)
- BWL für Ingenieure (4 CP, W)
- Earthquake processes (6 CP, W)
- Earthquake seminar and data analysis (9 CP, W)
- Economic geology I (10 CP, W)
- Economic geology II (10 CP, W)
- Ergänzungsmodule (15 CP, W)
- 3D geological modelling: concepts and applications (2 CP, W)
- 3x 1 day field trips (3 CP, W)
- Angewandte Karbonatdiagenese (3 CP, W)
- Climate change and water resources (2 CP, W)
- Digital rock physics (6 CP, W)
- Einführung in den Bau von Schächten (3 CP, W)
- Einführung in die Sprengtechnik (2 CP, W)
- Evaporite und deren Nutzung (2 CP, W)
- Exkursion Argentinien (5 CP, W)
- Exkursion Breitscheider Großhöhle (1 CP, W)
- Field course structural geology (3 CP, W)
- Field practical geophysics (W)
- Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum (5 CP, W)
- Geländeübungen in wechselnden Gebieten (8 CP, W)
- Geochemical analysis by laser ablation - ICP-Mass Spectrometry (5 CP, W)
- Georisiken (2 CP, W)
- Geowissenschaftliche Materialanalyse (5 CP, W)
- Groundwaterhydraulic (6 CP, W)
- Hydrogeochemical modelling (6 CP, W)
- Hydrogeological field camp (3 CP, W)
- Hydrogeomechanics (6 CP, W)
- Induced seismicity seminar (3 CP, W)
- Informatik I (5 CP, W)
- Informatik II (5 CP, W)
- Lectures, seminar, excercises in structural geology (4 CP, W)
- Log analysis (3 CP, W)
- Marine Geophysik (3 CP, W)
- Mathematische Methoden der Physik I (4 CP, W)
- Mathematische Methoden der Physik II (4 CP, W)
- Petrochronology and phase equilibria modelling (3 CP, W)
- Physic of earth materials (5 CP, W)
- Praxistage Felsbau (1 CP, W)
- Quartärgeologie (3 CP, W)
- Reservoir geophysics (5 CP, W)
- RMR Driven Design (2 CP, W)
- Rock physics (5 CP, W)
- Scientiffic programming (5 CP, W)
- Scientific writing (2 CP, W)
- Sedimentary systems I (3 CP, W)
- Sedimentary systems II (4 CP, W)
- Seismic and electromagnetic field methods (5 CP, W)
- Seismologic data analysis (5 CP, W)
- Shallow geothermal energy (2 CP, W)
- Special methods in structural geology (3 CP, W)
- Spezielle Petrologie der Magmatite und Metamorphite (4 CP, W)
- Stress field and rock mass behaivour (3 CP, W)
- Tektonophysik (3 CP, W)
- Umweltforensik (2 CP, W)
- Underground storage (2 CP, W)
- Well loggin rudiments I (2 CP, W)
- Well loggin rudiments II, analysis interpretation (2 CP, W)
- Field course in applied geology (7 CP, W)
- Geologie des Pleisto-, Holo- und Anthropozäns (5 CP, W)
- Geology and geohazards in an active subduction zone (5 CP, W)
- Geophysical methods (14 CP, W)
- Geophysical practical (5 CP, W)
- Groundwater hydraulics (12 CP, W)
- Hig-temperature geochemistry (10 CP, W)
- Hydrochemistry (12 CP, W)
- Hydrogeochemical methods I (6 CP, W)
- Hydrogeochemical methods II (3 CP, W)
- Igneous petrology (10 CP, W)
- Instrumental environmental analysis (6 CP, W)
- Kristallphysik (10 CP, W)
- Physic of the solid Earth II (10 CP, W)
- Sedimentäre Geologie im Gelände (8 CP, W)
- Sedimentary geochemistry (10 CP, W)
- Structural geology (10 CP, W)
- Umweltgeotechnik (6 CP, W)
2. Semester
- Analytic methods in rock analysis (5 CP, W)
- Applied geophysics II (10 CP, W)
- Applied hydrogeology (9 CP, W)
- Baugrundcharakterisierung Boden (5 CP, W)
- Baugrundcharakterisierung Fels (5 CP, W)
- Baugrunderkundung- und dokumentation (5 CP, W)
- Electron beam microanalysis (6 CP, W)
- Felsmechanik und Felsbau (6 CP, W)
- Festkörperspektroskopie (10 CP, W)
- Field course in tectonics and resources (10 CP, W)
- Geochemical analyses by laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry (5 CP, W)
- Geologie im Geoingenieurwesen (6 CP, W)
- Grundbau- und Bodenmechanik (6 CP, W)
- Grundlagen des Geoingenieurwesens (6 CP, W)
- Hydrogeological field methods (12 CP, W)
- Kristallchemie (10 CP, W)
- Mantle petrology (10 CP, W)
- Mapping active faults (6 CP, W)
- Metamorphic petrology (12 CP, W)
- Physic of the solid Earth I (10 CP, W)
- Reservoir and fault geomechanics (6 CP, W)
- Rock mass and stress field (6 CP, W)
- Seismotonic and seismic hazard (6 CP, W)
- Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (5 CP, W)
- Strukturbestimmung (10 CP, W)
- Synthese und Kristallisation (10 CP, W)
- Thermodynamics (10 CP, W)
3. Semester
- Drilling engineering I - Geotechnical and near-surfache drilling (5 CP, W)
- Field course in petrology (6 CP, W)
- Geomechanik (10 CP, W)
- Kinetics (10 CP, W)
- Multi-disciplinary approaches to investigate poly-deformed terrains (6 CP, W)
4. Semester
- Master Thesis (30 CP)