StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenDigital ManagementHS FreseniusProfilBachelor und Master
Course Profile

Digital Management

Hochschule Fresenius, Campus Köln / HS Fresenius
Master of Science / Master of Science
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NC-freier Studiengang (ggf. Auswahlgespräch)
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Your Master’s Program: Digital Management

The economy is experiencing rapid changes, as digital technologies are transforming business operations and daily work. The availability of digital data is creating new opportunities for management decision-making, resulting in a significant shift in leadership approaches. If you’re captivated by the concept of digital transformation and aspire to a career with leadership responsibilities, then our Master's program in Digital Management (M.Sc.) is the ideal path for you.

During this program, you can expect application-oriented teaching from experts who will pass on their wealth of professional experience. You’ll work on projects and case studies and might opt for an internship as part of your elective modules. Interactive learning, excursions, guest lectures, and workshops are also common practice at Hochschule Fresenius.

Program Details

The Master’s program in Digital Management (M.Sc.) offers a comprehensive curriculum that intertwines competencies in digital transformation and leadership. The following topics are covered in the program:

  • Digital Leadership: You’ll gain extensive knowledge and understanding of the impact of digitalization on social, economic, and technical aspects.
  • Corporate Intelligence: The program equips you with skills and knowledge that align with the data-driven nature of modern digitization processes.
  • Advanced Management Essentials: You’ll develop essential leadership skills necessary for leading teams and managing companies in an agile and future-oriented manner.
  • Intercultural & Language Skills: Students without proficiency in the German language can receive training through German courses in the 1st and 2nd semesters. If you are already proficient in German, you can enhance your intercultural competence in a dedicated module and learn a new foreign language.
  • Research Methods & Empirical Skills: You’ll learn a range of methods for gathering and analyzing data and gain a strong scientific foundation that emphasizes the importance of research in making business decisions.


Study advice Cologne
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

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Program Structure

Our Master’s program in Digital Management (M.Sc.) takes of a total of four semesters. During the first two, you’ll gain the foundational knowledge to pursue a fulfilling career in the business world. Courses include:

  • Contemporary Digitalization in Business & Economy
  • Leadership & Management
  • Advanced Project Management
  • Research Methodology
  • Data Science for Business Leaders
  • Managing Transformation & Change
  • Quantitative & Qualitative Methods for Business

The 3rd semester is dedicated to sharpening your professional profile. You can choose an elective module on one of the following topics:

  • Corporate Finance
  • Sustainability Management & CSR in a Global Context
  • Entrepreneurship
  • International Relations & Current World Affairs
  • Consumer Behavior & Psychology
  • Strategic Marketing & Brand Management

In addition to these courses you’ll have the opportunity to opt for an internship or semester abroad.

During your last semster you’ll complete two more courses on Applied Data Modelling and Decision-Making with Artificial Intelligence & Big Data as well as complete your Master’s thesis.


Study advice Cologne
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

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Career Prospects

The Master's program in Digital Management (M.Sc.) is an exceptional blend of digital transformation expertise and comprehensive leadership skills. Our courses offer you the opportunity to delve into various technical, cultural, and social leadership aspects, which can lead to numerous promising career paths in all economic sectors after graduation.

After earning your Master's degree in Digital Management (M.Sc.), you will

  • possess a broad range of digital management capabilities
  • be familiar with data-driven change management techniques
  • understand the significance of specific information and communication technologies for a company
  • be able to identify current digitalization challenges and develop strategies to address them.

This opens up a plethora of exceptional career opportunities for you in all business sectors, non-profit organizations, and other institutions, as well as self-employment. The program equips you for various leadership roles, such as specialized digital management and analysis contexts, from team leads to higher management levels, leadership positions with a significant proportion of digital challenges, and corporate leadership in companies, associations, and other institutions.

Additionally, Master's graduates can choose to pursue a doctorate degree.


Study advice Cologne
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

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Admission Criteria

To be eligible for Hochschule Fresenius' Master's program in Digital Management (M.Sc.), you must have completed a Bachelor's program with at least 180 credit points, with a minimum of 60 credit points in management, business, or economics.

If you don't meet the required subject-specific credit point threshold, you may take an admissions test.

Furthermore, you must have English proficiency at the B2 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

If you have gathered 80% of the necessary credit points by the time of enrollment, you may start the Master's program even before completing your Bachelor's degree. Bachelor's students at Hochschule Fresenius are only required to pay the monthly Master's tuition fees when they begin the program.

For additional information, please contact our Study Advice Service.


Study advice Cologne
Carmen Eulberg
Phone: +49 (0)221 973199-35

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Übersicht Hochschule

HS Fresenius › Studienangebot

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