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Business Engineering

Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt / Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
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Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering
Internationales Studium
Fremdsprachiges Studium
Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Bachelor of Engineering (ID 274400)

1. Semester

  • Economic Sciences - Basics (5 CP)
  • English for Business and Engineering (5 CP)
  • Material Sciences & Design (5 CP)
  • Mathematics - Basics (5 CP)
  • Physics (5 CP)
  • Statistics (5 CP)

2. Semester

  • Business Processes (5 CP)
  • Economic Sciences 2 (5 CP)
  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (5 CP)
  • International Trade Law (5 CP)
  • Mathematics -Advanced (5 CP)
  • Technical Mechanics (5 CP)

3. Semester

  • Accounting (5 CP)
  • Computer Sciences for Engineers (5 CP)
  • Electr. Measurements & System Engineering (5 CP)
  • Human Resources Managment (5 CP)
  • Introduction to Technical Systems (5 CP)
  • Project Mgmt. & Scientific Working (5 CP)

4. Semester

  • Analytical Methods (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Business 1 (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Engineering 1 (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Engineering 2 (5 CP)
  • Process and Quality Assurance (5 CP)
  • Product Development (5 CP)

5. Semester

  • Applied Project Management (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Business 2 (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Business 3 (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Business 4 (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Engineering 3 (5 CP)
  • Core Electives in Engineering 4 (5 CP)

6. Semester

  • Internship Module (30 CP)

7. Semester

  • Bachelor Thesis (10 CP)
  • Business Plan (5 CP)
  • Core Competences 1 (3 CP)
  • Core Competences 2 (2 CP)
  • General Elective (5 CP)
  • Laboratory Tests (5 CP)

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