StudiumFachbereicheIngenieurwissenschaftenElektrotechnikAnalytical Instruments, Measurement and Sensor Technology (AIMS)HS CoburgInfoBachelor und Master

Analytical Instruments, Measurement and Sensor Technology (AIMS)

Hochschule Coburg (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) / Hochschule Coburg (University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
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Master of Engineering
Winter- und Sommersemester
Internationales Studium
Fremdsprachiges Studium
Hochschule Coburg (University of Applied Sciences and Arts)

Master of Engineering (ID 58909)

1. Semester

  • Chinese/ German (12 CP)
  • Computer Based Measurement Technology (6 CP)
  • Electives, e.g. (18 CP)
  • Mathematical Data Analysis (6 CP)
  • Sensor Technology (6 CP)
  • Summer school on Novel Applications (6 CP)

2. Semester

  • Digital Signal Processing (6 CP)
  • Nanometrology (6 CP)
  • Photoelectric Detection (6 CP)

3. Semester

  • Practical Internship (18 CP)

4. Semester

  • Project Work and Master Thesis (30 CP)

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