StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenSustainability in Creative IndustriesAMDProfil
Course Profile

Sustainability in Creative Industries

AMD Akademie Mode & Design, Berlin / AMD
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Arts
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Become one of the pioneers shaping the future of the creative industries

Graduates of the "Sustainability in Creative Industries (B.A.)" program possess essential knowledge, skills, and methods to promote innovation within the creative industries. They strategically develop projects and processes to position companies and public entities to address socio-ecological challenges.

Key Facts

Program start: Winter and summer semester
Duration: 7 semesters
Language: English
Study form: Full time
Tuition fee: 750,00€ monthly + 70,00€ per month (non-EU)
Registration fee: 595,00€
Apllication time: possible all year round
Graduation: Bachelor of Arts

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The program emphasizes communication, creative practice, and management, enabling graduates to confidently pursue corporate management roles and engage in political advocacy. With a strong focus on practical design training, they can leverage knowledge systems to foster innovation across the creative value chain, from raw materials to research and development.

Graduates are skilled in developing sustainable business models and strategies for the creative industries, considering factors like digitalization, globalization, and environmental constraints. With expertise in sustainable management, they are prepared to meet the creative sector's needs for socially responsible value creation.

Practical focus

The curriculum promotes a thorough understanding of sustainability challenges in the creative industries by integrating communication, design, systems thinking, and production management. Graduates learn to identify and address these challenges from local to global perspectives and receive current training on the impacts of digitization and AI on creative business development, enabling them to drive technological advancements for sustainability.

We encourage students to develop individual thematic focuses and gain practical experience in areas like design, communication, and management. This personalized approach prepares them for various career paths, including experience designer, creative strategist, and innovation manager.

Graduates exhibit strong personal development, negotiation, and reasoning skills. They are adaptable, creative, and well-informed, positioning them to tackle complex issues and take on strategic roles in a rapidly evolving creative economy.

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Tel.: +49 800 864 864 8


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Career Prospects

Graduates are equipped for various positions in the creative industries, integrating future-oriented and sustainability-focused strategies into traditional roles. These positions include:

  • Experience Designer
  • Creative Strategist
  • Trend Researcher
  • Creative Consultant
  • Innovation Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Buyer / Merchandiser
  • Entrepreneur
  • Recruitment / HR
  • Change Manager
  • Quality Manager


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Tel.: +49 800 864 864 8


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Admission Requirements

The primary admission requirement for a Bachelor’s program at AMD is a valid university entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) recognized in Hesse. Acceptable qualifications include:

  • General university entrance qualification from Germany (German “Abitur”)
  • International school-leaving degree
  • University Qualification Examination (German “Feststellungsprüfung“/Studienkolleg)
  • AMD entrance examination
  • Advanced technical certificate from Germany (German “Fachhochschulreife” or Fachabitur”)
  • Subject-restriced university entrance qualification from Germany (German “Fachgebundene Hochschulreife”)
  • Vocational qualification

Language Skills:

To be admitted to an English-language Bachelor’s program, you need to demonstrate English language skills at the B2 level.


Your grade point average does not impact your admission to a Bachelor’s program at AMD. What matters more to us is getting to know you personally: What motivates you? What are your career goals? What experiences and skills do you bring?


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Tel.: +49 800 864 864 8


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