StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenInternational Business AdministrationConstructor UniversityProfilMaster
Course Profile

International Business Administration

Constructor University Bremen / Constructor University
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Arts
study profile image
study profile image

Meet the challenges and opportunities of the global business world

The International Business Administration program is meticulously crafted to furnish students with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives essential for success in today's dynamic global business environment. This program places a strong emphasis on the examination of international corporations, the pervasive integration of technology across all business facets, and the profound influence of cultural and economic factors on business operations.

Balancing both theoretical foundations and practical applications, the program ensures students develop a comprehensive understanding of key components in international business and management. These include management practices, information technology, and the broader global economic and cultural context. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge, hands-on experience, and scientific methodologies, the program aims to provide students with a well-rounded education, arming them to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities present in the global business arena.

Key facts

Place: Contructor University, Bremen, Germany & online option
Tuition: 20.000€ per academic year (two semesters) +8.500€ on-campus room and board (single room, shared bathroom, full meal plan)
Fall intake 2024: Apply by June 1 (global) and July 15 (for applicants who do not need a visa). Start last week of August (orientation week), first week of September (classes); Late comers can start online
Scholarships: All students are considered for an academic achievement scholarship based on their school grade point average (GPA). EU students are eligible for a minimum guaranteed scholarship of 4.000€.
Duration: 3 years full-time
Financing options: Each admitted candidate will receive an individual financial package.


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Career perspectives

With its explicit emphasis on managing firms engaged in international business activities, the International Business Administration (IBA) program equips students with robust qualifications highly sought after by a diverse range of businesses, particularly those involved in international and globalizing operations. Recent graduates of the program have successfully secured internships and positions in renowned companies, including Bosch, Deloitte, KPMG, and PwC.

The IBA program has paved the way for graduates to embark on varied career paths. The academic rigor of the program not only positions students for success in the workforce but also opens doors to prestigious graduate programs, such as those at IE Madrid or the University of Amsterdam.

Given their exposure to working and living alongside students from over 100 countries on Constructor University's international campus, IBA graduates are exceptionally well-prepared to assume responsibilities in intercultural work environments. Moreover, the Constructor University Career Services Center extends valuable support to students, offering an exclusive internship program, individual career counseling, professional skills seminars, access to an online job portal, and opportunities for employer networking during on-campus recruiting events. These resources contribute to a well-rounded and practical preparation for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their professional journeys.


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Undergraduate application information

Here you can find out about deadlines, the application process and requirements to apply for your Bachelor's program at Constructor University.


Investing in education is a significant commitment to your future, and at Constructor University, we are dedicated to transforming it into an affordable reality for students worldwide. To achieve this, we provide personalized financing options tailored to help cover tuition fees. These packages may include various forms of financial assistance, such as scholarships, grants, and tuition deferrals. The deferred tuition fees are only repaid once you have successfully entered the job market, allowing you to concentrate fully on your studies without immediate financial burden. We firmly believe that a Constructor University education serves as an ideal foundation for your future career, and we are delighted to invest in your success.


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