StudiumFachbereicheNaturwissenschaften und MathematikInformatikInformationssystemeTH UlmInfo


Technische Hochschule Ulm / Technische Hochschule Ulm
Master of Science / M.Sc.
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Master of Science
Fremdsprachiges Studium
Technische Hochschule Ulm

Master of Science, Ab 03/14 (ID 27398)

1. Semester

  • Ausgewählte Aspekte von Informationssystemen (6 CP)
  • Intelligente Informationssysteme (9 CP)
  • Projekt Informationssysteme (12 CP)
  • Software Design und Realisierung (9 CP)
  • Wahlfächer (W)
    • Advanced Programming Concepts (3 CP, W)
    • Diskrete Event-basierte Simulation (3 CP, W)
    • EDV-, Medien- und Urheberrecht (3 CP, W)
    • Elektronische Gesundheitsakten (3 CP, W)
    • IT-Recht (3 CP, W)
    • Predictive Analytics (3 CP, W)
    • Simulation (3 CP, W)
    • Ubiquitous Computing (3 CP, W)

2. Semester

  • Informationssicherheit (6 CP)
  • Unternehmensmanagement (5 CP)
  • Verteilte und interagierende Systeme (7 CP)

3. Semester

  • Master-Thesis (30 CP)

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TH Ulm › Studienangebot

Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Computational Science and Engineering
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Computer Science
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Computer Science (International Program)
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Data Science in der Medizin
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Digital Media
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Digitale Produktion
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Digitale Produktion (dual)
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Elektrische Energiesysteme und Elektromobilität
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Elektro- und Informationstechnik
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Elektro- und Informationstechnik (dual)
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Energietechnik (dual)
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Energiewirtschaft International
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Fahrzeugtechnik (dual)
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Informatik (dual)
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Informationsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Maschinenbau (dual)
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Mechatronik (dual)
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Medical Devices - Research and Development (MMD)
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Medizintechnik (dual)
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Produktionsmanagement (dual)
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Sustainable Energy Competence
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Systems Engineering und Management - Electrical Engineering
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Systems Engineering und Management - Industrial Management
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Systems Engineering und Management - Logistics
Master of Engineering / M.Eng.
Systems Engineering und Management - Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (dual)
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Bachelor of Engineering / B.Eng.
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (dual)