StudiumFachbereicheKunst, Gestaltung und MusikGestaltung, DesignFashion DesignAMDProfilBachelor
Course Profile

Fashion Design

AMD Akademie Mode & Design, Berlin / AMD
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Arts
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Develop your own design in an international context!

On the English-language Fashion Design (with Internship) (B.A.) study program, you will acquire creative, manual, and technical skills and learn to use interdisciplinary thinking to design progressive collections. In addition to a high degree of creativity, one of the most important traits for up-and-coming designers is a sensitivity to social, cultural, and economic factors. The program focuses on international developments and how they influence the fashion industry.

The seven-semester study program covers practical, artistic, and theoretical aspects. Providing individual support and promoting personal skills take top priority. Establish industry contacts from an early stage: Cooperation with fashion companies and cultural institutions as well as an internship are important parts of the study program. Specialist English skills will help you to launch your career on the international fashion scene. 

Studying at AMD Akademie Mode & Design

Locations: Berlin
Start of studies: WiSe
Study semester: 7
Tuition fees: 750 Euro monthly, 820 Euro monthly for non-EU
Admission fee: 595 Euro


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Contact person for study counselling:

AMD Akademie Mode & Design
T: 0800 864 8648

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Entry requirements

The following entry requirements must be fulfilled:

  •     General university entrance qualification for Germany
  •     CV and motivational letter
  •     Creative portfolio (5 - 10 work samples)
  •     Passing the selection process
  •     English language skills at Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference or equivalent

More information about your application here >

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Contact person for study counselling:

AMD Akademie Mode & Design
T: 0800 864 8648

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Course of studies


  • Introductory Event
  • Creative Team Development and Academic Skills


  • Fashion Design,
  • Pattern Making
  • History of Clothing and Design


  • Production Technique,
  • Textile Technology
  • Technical Drawing,
  • Pattern Making Project


  • Artistic Presentation Formats
  • Design Principals,
  • IT Applications


  • workshop


  • Fashion Design
  • Pattern Making
  • Fashion Theory


  • IT Applications,
  • Visual Communication
  • Fashion Presentation 


  • Spring + Fall Academy


  • Fashion Design
  • Fahsion Marketing
  • Production Techniques


  • Men‘s Design, Ethnic Dress /  Intercultural Fashion
  • Pattern Making, CAD Graphics
  • Production Techniques, Materials Technology


  • Multimedia Presentation,
  • Fashion Presentation
  • CAD Graphics


  • Fashion Design, Fashion Presentation
  • Fashion and Ethics

Internship, Bachelor - thesis, presentation/documentation

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Contact person for study counselling:

AMD Akademie Mode & Design
T: 0800 864 8648

To website >


Open doors to fashion companies worldwide

Design your own brand or work for well-known fashion brands. The international focus of the study program will open doors to renowned fashion companies worldwide. Alternatively, launch your own label with an international setup.

AMD graduates go on to work for many international companies:

Victoria Beckham, Vivienne Westwood, ACNE, Hussein Chalayan, Y3, Adidas, Hugo Boss, Alexander McQueen, Dries van Noten, Lacoste, Diesel, Kenzo, H&M.

The study program qualifies graduates to work in many areas, not just fashion design. Become a stylist for film and photo productions in close collaboration with model agencies, hair and make-up teams, and photographers. Work as a fashion scout and present potential future color developments, new materials, and approaches to contouring for trend research and analysis. Newspapers, publishers, agencies, and labels need fashion designers to create graphic representations of collections and visuals to present their trends.


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Contact person for study counselling:

AMD Akademie Mode & Design
T: 0800 864 8648

To website >


AMD › Bachelor › Studienangebot

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Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Fashion & Design Management
Coming soon: From September 2021, our new English-language study program in Fashion & Design Management (B.A.)* will be available at AMD Berlin. As a student, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge about the fashion market and its mechanisms, and learn to successfully market products through different sales channels. The study program will qualify you for management positions in the fashion, lifestyle, and consumer goods industries
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Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Fashion Design
On the English-language Fashion Design (with Internship) (B.A.) study program, you will acquire creative, manual, and technical skills and learn to use interdisciplinary thinking to design progressive collections. In addition to a high degree of creativity, one of the most important traits for up-and-coming designers is a sensitivity to social, cultural, and economic factors. The program focuses on international developments and how they influence the fashion industry.
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Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Fashion Journalism & Communication
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Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Mode & Designmanagement
Mode- und Designmanagement (B.A.) ist ein betriebswirtschaftliches Studium für die Mode-, Lifestyle- und Konsumgüterbranche, in dem Management Know-how branchenbezogen gelehrt wird. Zudem wird den Studierenden so viel Produktbezug vermittelt, dass sie auf Augenhöhe mit den anderen Beteiligten – aus Design und Technik – sprechen können. Sie werden in die Lage versetzt, die unterschiedlichen Interessen zu verstehen, zwischen ihnen abzuwägen, zu vermitteln und innovative Lösungen zu finden.
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Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Mode Design
Mode erfindet sich unablässig selbst neu. Design hat längst eine internationale Sprache angenommen, wird weltweit produziert, vermarktet und kommuniziert. Die eigenständige künstlerische Handschrift von ModedesignerInnen spielt eine umso größere Rolle, wenn es gilt, Aussagen über neue Trends zu treffen und Identitäten zu prägen.