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Universität Trier / Universität Trier
Master of Science / M.Sc.
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Master of Science
Universität Trier

Master of Science (ID 109632)

1. Semester

  • BWL / Politik / Soziologie (10 CP)
  • Ökonometrie (10 CP)
  • VWL Basis (10 CP)

2. Semester

  • Forschungsprojekt I (10 CP)
  • VWL Europ, Märkte (10 CP)
  • VWL Kern (10 CP)

3. Semester

  • Akzent (10 CP)
  • Forschungsprojekt II (10 CP)
  • VWL Europ, Integration (10 CP)

4. Semester

  • Masterarbeit (30 CP)

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Uni Trier › Master › Studienangebot

Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Angewandte Humangeographie
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Applied Statistics
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Bildungswissenschaften (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Biologie (Lehramt)
Master of Arts / M.A.
China Kultur und Kommunikation
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Data Science
Master of Arts / M.A.
Demokratische Politik und Kommunikation
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Deutsch (Lehramt)
Master of Arts / M.A.
Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Digital Humanities
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Englisch (Lehramt)
Master of Arts / M.A.
English Linguistics
Master of Arts / M.A.
English Literature
Master of Arts / M.A.
English Literatures and Media
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Environmental Sciences
Master of Arts / M.A.
Erziehungswissenschaft: Organisation des Sozialen
Master of Arts / M.A.
Erziehungswissenschaft: Organisation des Sozialen
Master of Arts / M.A.
European and East Asian Governance
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Financial Management
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Französisch (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science / B.A., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Geographie (Lehramt)
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Geschichte (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Geschichte (TRISTRA)
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Griechisch (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Grundschulbildung (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Informatik (Lehramt)
Master of Arts / M.A.
Interkulturelle Gender Studies
Master of Arts / M.A.
International Economics and Public Policy
Master of Arts / M.A.
Internationale Beziehungen und Diplomatie
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Interprofessionelle Gesundheitsversorgung
Master of Arts / M.A.
Interreligiöse Studien: Judentum, Christentum, Islam
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Italienisch (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Katholische Religionslehre (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Klassische Archäologie
Master of Arts / M.A.
Klassische Philologie/Latein/Latinistik
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Latein (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Mathematik (Lehramt)
Master of Arts / M.A.
Medien- und Kultursoziologie
Master of Arts / M.A.
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Natural Language Processing
Master of Arts / M.A.
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Philosophie / Ethik (Lehramt)
Bachelor, Master of Arts / Bachelor, M.A.
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Prozessdynamik an der Erdoberfläche (Geographie / Umweltgeowissenschaften)
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Master of Arts / M.A.
Romanistik: Sprache, Literatur, Kultur
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Russisch (Lehramt)
Master of Arts / M.A.
Russische Philologie
Master of Arts / M.A.
Slavische Philologie
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Sozialkunde (Lehramt)
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts / B.A., M.A.
Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.
Spanisch (Lehramt)
Master of Science / M.Sc.
Sustainability Management & Economics
Master of Arts / M.A.
Theaterwissenschaft und Interkulturalität
Master of Arts / M.A.
Theologie und Ethik im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Master of Arts / M.A.