StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenAir Traffic ManagementHS WormsProfilBachelor und Master

Air Traffic Management

Hochschule Worms / Hochschule Worms
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
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Bachelor of Science
Duales Studium
Hochschule Worms

Bachelor of Science (ID 275252)

1. Semester

  • Analytical Methods (5 CP)
    • Mathematics (3 CP)
    • Statistics (2 CP)
  • Business English (5 CP)
  • Introduction to Air Traffic Management (5 CP)
  • Introduction to Aviation Management (5 CP)
  • Introduction to Business Administration (5 CP)
  • Introduction to Economics (5 CP)

2. Semester

  • Accountancy and Financial Reporting (5 CP)
  • Air Transportation Policy and Law (5 CP)
  • Aviation Analytics (6 CP)
  • Marketing and Sales Management (5 CP)
  • Network Management and Scheduling (5 CP)
  • Research Methods, Presentation and Soft Skills (4 CP)
    • Research Methods and Presentation Skills (2 CP)
    • Soft Skills (2 CP)

3. Semester

  • Aircraft Operation (4 CP)
  • Airline Business Models and Strategies (5 CP)
  • Airport Management (5 CP)
  • Aviation and Environment (5 CP)
  • Elective Seminar Tourism and Travel Management (5 CP, W)
    • Business Travel Management (5 CP, W)
    • Destinationsmanagement (5 CP, W)
    • Eventmanagement (5 CP, W)
    • Hotelmanagements (5 CP, W)
    • Reiseveranstalter-/Reisemittlermanagement (5 CP, W)
    • Tourism and Travel Management (5 CP, W)
    • Verkehrsträgermanagement (5 CP, W)
  • Human Resources Management and Organizational Development (5 CP)

4. Semester

  • Fluglotsenausbildung – Initial Training (52 CP)
    • Aeronautical English Oral (5 CP)
    • Air Traffic Control Procedures and Implications (7 CP)
    • Legal Bases and Aeronautical Basics (7 CP)
    • Surveillance Procedures (4 CP)
    • Tower Operations and Aeronautical Basics (7 CP)
    • Tower Procedures (4 CP)

5. Semester

  • Elective Seminar Aviation Management (8 CP)
  • Advanced Operational Procedures (6 CP)
  • Airspace and Basic Operational Procedures (4 CP)
  • Consolidation of Operational Procedures and MO-ATS (6 CP)
  • Operational Procedures (6 CP)

6. Semester

  • Fluglotsenausbildung – Unit Training (20 CP)
    • OJT (15 CP)
    • Pre-OJT (5 CP)
  • Thesis (10 CP)

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