
ESCP Business School BerlinBearbeitung starten


KurzinfoBearbeitung starten

Die Die ESCP Business School ist eine internationale Wirtschaftshochschule mit Standorten in 6 europäischen Metropolen, in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin und Warschau. Durch ihr Multicampus-Modell vermittelt die ESCP interkulturelle Kompetenzen und Management Skills. Gegründet in 1819 ist die ESCP die älteste Business School weltweit. Die ESCP bietet Bachelor und Masterprogramme, MBA und Executive MBAs, PhD-Programme sowie Seminare für Manager und Führungskräfte an. Jährlich absolvieren mehr als 8000 Studierende ihr Studium an der ESCP, über 5.000 Manager und Führungskräfte nehmen an den Weiterbildungsprogrammenteil. Die ESCP in Berlin ist als wissenschaftliche Hochschule staatlich anerkannt und kann damit Abschlüsse, wie auch den Doktortitel, verleihen. Akademische Schwerpunkte der ESCP Berlin Campus sind die Themen Entrepreneurship, Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung. Durch ihre Exzellenz in Forschung und Lehre belegt die ESCP Business School regelmäßig Spitzenplätze in den internationalen Rankings der Financial Times.

KontaktBearbeitung starten

14059 Berlin
Heubnerweg 8-10
Mo-Fr 9-17
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Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (berufsbegleitend)
The Executive Master in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (EMDIEL) at ESCP is a part-time programme with 5 modules around the globe.
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Executive MBA
Elevate your career with our top-ranked Executive MBA, offering customizable part-time study options and global exposure through international seminars and diverse city campuses.
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International Sustainability Management
Our world is changing. Climate change is already having a visible impact, and biodiversity losses are becoming distinctly observable. Businesses as well as society at large thus acknowledge the need to assume our responsibility for a sustainable management of the economy and our livelihoods.
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The Bachelor in Management (BSc) allows students to become experts in management science and learn how to make complex decisions. While exploring humanities, they practice how to deal with people and lead teams.
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SALES 4.0 - Master in International Sales Management
Many of today’s best career opportunities are international, enhanced through the digitization of the business world. As more and more companies go global, it’s getting harder to be successful without cultural intelligence. This may be especially true in sales. Therefore, learning how to build close relationships with colleagues and customers from a multitude of different cultures is becoming a core sales and marketing competency.
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Strategy and Digital Business
By studying the Master in Strategy and Digital Business Programme, you will gain the strategic, digital and entrepreneurial skills for the job markets of today and tomorrow. Based on a strong cooperation between practice partners and our world-class faculty, you will acquire competencies in core areas like strategy, complex problem solving and decision making.
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Sustainability Entrepreneurship and Innovation
This Master of Science degree in Sustainability Entrepreneurship and Innovation is designed for aspiring change makers who want to apply the tools of business to solving the world’s most urgent social and environmental problems. Whether students set out to integrate sustainability practices into a corporation, start their own purpose-driven companies, or anything in between, this MSc empowers them to drive change within teams, firms, and industries.
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