StudiumFachbereicheRechtswissenschaften und WirtschaftswissenschaftenWirtschaftswissenschaftenBusiness AdministrationFOM MannheimProfilBachelor

Business Administration

FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gemeinnützige GmbH / FOM Mannheim
Master of Business Administration / Master of Business Administration
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Graduates of the extra occupational Master course of studies “Master of Business Administration” are distinguished by their entrepreneurial 360°-view: by conveying comprehensive business knowledge and management competencies, MBA students develop into business-minded, assertive personalities, who are able to safely navigate the international business world.

The general management degree for the top managers of tomorrow: During the MBA degree course from FOM University you will acquire all-round expertise in all of the most important
corporate functions – in a way that is hands-on, forward-looking and with reference to international correlations.

This degree course, which is held primarily in English, provides both business expertise as well as extensive intercultural and management skills. For example, you will acquire in-depth knowledge in disciplines such as marketing and communication, human resources and leadership management as well as international business law. In all modules there is a focus on digitisation and the influence it has on the respective functional areas. From the third semester you will select your preferred area of specialisation – a wide range of specialised subjects provides you with a degree course that perfectly matches the requirements of your daily professional activities.

Holistic teaching concept, which is close to the real world

The core goal of the MBA degree is the development of integrative, practise-oriented thinking and action. Real case studies from the world of business and a lively mix of teaching methods help to sharpen your overall, interdisciplinary perspective. Thus, you will gain important knowledge that will allow you to maintain an overview of all operational processes when making decisions.

You will also benefit from the continual exchange of information and experiences with other students from a wide range of sectors and specialist areas. You will learn to assert yourself in interdisciplinary teams, take responsibility, manage negotiations and ultimately implement well-founded and constructive measures. A voluntary coaching programme, which runs alongside the degree course, can also support you with your own personal development.

What are the characteristics of a strong manager nowadays?

As an MBA graduate, you will be able to answer this important question thanks to the innovative teaching concept. After completing the degree course you will be able to take over management activities in international companies, develop global strategies and optimise group-wide processes. The MBA from FOM University can also prepare you optimally for the takeover or founding of a company.

You will complete your master studies in Business Administration with the academic degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).

At a glance

University degree:Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Duration:3 semester + thesis
Semester start:March and September each year
Credit points:90 ECTS credits
Tuition fees:11.880 euro, payable in 24 monthly instalments of 495 euro or 8 quarterly instalments of 1485 euro
Accreditation:the FOM is system accredited by the FIBAA. Therefore, this course of studies also accredited.
The administrative language of the course of studies is German.


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Sie haben Fragen?

Sie erreichen die Studienberatung von
Mo-Fr 8-19 Uhr und Sa 7:30-14 Uhr gebührenfrei unter:

0800 1 95 95 95 (aus Deutschland)

0800 29 12 03 (aus Österreich)

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Zielgruppe und Berufsfelder

For experts and managers wishing to acquire strategic managerial expertise in order to pursue new career opportunities.

This course prepares you to:

  • perform managerial tasks in international organisations
  • make confident, well-informed decisions
  • handle complex negotiations and make convincing presentations
  • develop and implement global strategies
  • optimise company-wide processes

Sie haben Fragen?

Sie erreichen die Studienberatung von
Mo-Fr 8-19 Uhr und Sa 7:30-14 Uhr gebührenfrei unter:

0800 1 95 95 95 (aus Deutschland)

0800 29 12 03 (aus Österreich)

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Prerequisites for admission

  • University degree1 (Diplom, Magister, Bachelor, Staatsexamen) worth 210 Credit Points² (applicants with a university degree worth 180 Credit Points² may be admitted to a course after appropriate professional experience or other university achievements are recognised)
  • at least one year’s professional experience after the first degree
  • an adequate knowledge of English (corresponding to an intermediate language level B2 according GER, e.g. at least 860 points TOEIC or at least 83 points TOEFL)
  • must currently be employed³

1) Degrees from accredited Bachelor training programmes at Berufsakademien [tertiary education institutions offering academic training and practical in-company training]
2) FOM awards credit points according to the standards of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). They measure the workload required of students in the study programme.
3) Variations to this may be possible in exceptional cases.

Tuition fees

registration fee: 1.580 euro one-time payment regristation fee. Participants who have already completed or are taking a course of study or a recognised continuing education programme at one of the institutes belonging to the BCW Group pay half the enrolment fee.
tuition fee: 11.880 euro payable in 24 monthly instalments of 495 euro or 8 quarterly instalments of 1485 euro
examination fee: 350 euro one-time payment at the end of the study programme
total cost: 13.810 euro including registration fee, tuition fee and examination fee

» Further information on financing possibilities and on questions of tax deductibility.

» Why does FOM charge tuition fees and other questions about costs and financing.

Sie haben Fragen?

Sie erreichen die Studienberatung von
Mo-Fr 8-19 Uhr und Sa 7:30-14 Uhr gebührenfrei unter:

0800 1 95 95 95 (aus Deutschland)

0800 29 12 03 (aus Österreich)

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Time models & Lecture times

Evening and Saturday study
Start im Wintersemester
Essen | Berlin | Mannheim | Frankfurt a. M. | Hamburg | Köln | München | Nürnberg | Düsseldorf
Usually 2-3 times a month on Fridays from 6:00 pm to 9:15 pm and on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Start im Sommersemester
Frankfurt a. M. | Hamburg | Köln | München | Düsseldorf | Stuttgart
Usually 2-3 times a month on Fridays from 6:00 pm to 9:15 pm and on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Subject to changes: Lecture times depend on when you start your studies (winter semester/summer semester) and they will remain the same throughout your study programme.
Semester breaks: August and mid to the end of February

Sie haben Fragen?

Sie erreichen die Studienberatung von
Mo-Fr 8-19 Uhr und Sa 7:30-14 Uhr gebührenfrei unter:

0800 1 95 95 95 (aus Deutschland)

0800 29 12 03 (aus Österreich)

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1st semester

Crash Courses1

  • Crash Course in Business Administration
  • Crash Course Methodology


  • Supply and demand
  • Costs and revenues
  • Theory of the firm
  • Factor markets
  • Market failure
  • Unemployment and inflation
  • Money and monetary policy
  • Policy approaches
  • International trade

Marketing & Communication

  • The role of marketing   
  • Market analysis
  • Company Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Marketing objectives
  • Marketing mix
  • Communication: Internal, External, Digital, International

HR & Leadership Competencies

  • General Framework of Human Resource Management
  • Corporate Culture
  • Leadership in teams
  • Motivation Theory

Financial Management

  • Objectives in financial management
  • Stakeholder vs. Shareholder Management
  • Ethical aspects in financial management and corporate governance
  • Financial planning
  • Investment
  • Cash management

2nd semester

Strategic Corporate Management

  • Strategic analysis
  • Theoretic approaches
  • Strategy Formulation
  • Choices and implementation
  • Different strategic contexts

International Business Law

  • Main features of the German legal system and embedment in European and International law
  • Basics of contract law (including European and international references)
  • Basics and current developments of commercial and corporate law
  • Industrial property rights - Introduction to the national,
    European and international competition, trademark and patent law
  • Basics of international arbitration proceedings

Value-based Controlling & International Accounting

  • The classification of accounting methods according to IFRS in the national and international normative context
  • The goals, objectives and principles of IFRS accounting methods
  • The components of IFRS annual financial statements
  • General reporting and valuation rules of the IFRS
  • Value-orientated controlling and indicator systems
  • Possible applications and limitations of value-orientated indicators/systems for performance measurement and management through controlling

Management Decision-Making

  • Decision-Making Techniques
  • Rational and intuitive decision Models
  • Information requirements and information management
  • Managing risk and uncertainty

3rd semester

Research Methods
  • Organisation and management research
  • Research strategy and design
  • Questionnaire and survey design and sampling techniques
  • Analysis of quantitative data
  • Dilemmas of research Choice
International Investment
  • Theoretical foundation of asset management
  • Information content of derivatives and instruments
  • Corporate diversification and hedging
  • Net present value vs real options
  • Planning of earnings, investments and finance
  • Analysis of earnings, cash flows and assets/liabilities
  • Finance and investment decisions (e.g. Private Equity, M&A)
  • Shareholder value management
International Management²

International Strategy & Sales Management 
  • Sales Goals
  • Structure
  • Organisation, Personal and Team Selling (negotiation
  • Selection and Management of Distribution

International Entrepreneurship & Innovation

  • Business Plan
  • International Business Activities
  • Structuring and developing a Innovation Management Process
  • Structuring and developing a (Digital)
    Business Model and (Digital) Value Chain

4th semester

Master Thesis and colloquium

University degree:
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Study degree:
Business Administration

Sie haben Fragen?

Sie erreichen die Studienberatung von
Mo-Fr 8-19 Uhr und Sa 7:30-14 Uhr gebührenfrei unter:

0800 1 95 95 95 (aus Deutschland)

0800 29 12 03 (aus Österreich)

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FOM Mannheim › Bachelor › Studienangebot

profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Betriebswirtschaft & Wirtschaftspsychologie
Ob bei Konsumenten, Mitarbeitern oder auf Führungsebene: Menschliches Verhalten ist im Wirtschaftskontext eine wichtige Einflussgröße. Das berufsbegleitende Studium „Betriebswirtschaft & Wirtschaftspsychologie“ vermittelt neben BWL- und Management-Kompetenzen umfassendes Wissen in angewandter Psychologie. Diese ganzheitliche Perspektive qualifiziert für vielseitige Tätigkeitsfelder, z. B. im Marketing oder im Personalwesen.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Business Administration / B.A., MBA
Business Administration
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Know-how für Allrounder: Im berufsbegleitenden Studiengang „Business Administration“ erwerben Studierende Einblicke in alle wichtigen betriebswirtschaftlichen Disziplinen, von der Personalwirtschaft über das Marketing bis zum Controlling.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
IT-Spezialisten sind branchenübergreifend gefragt. Der berufsbegleitende Studiengang „Informatik“ vermittelt neben umfassenden Programmierkenntnissen einen Überblick über IT-Systemarchitekturen, die Arbeit mit Datenbanken sowie Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Künstlicher Intelligenz. So qualifizieren sich Studierende für Aufgabenbereiche vom Aufbau verteilter Systeme über die Softwareentwicklung bis zur Erstellung von IT-Sicherheitskonzepten.
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Management & Digitalisierung
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Arts / B.A.
Soziale Arbeit
Ob in der interkulturellen Integrations- und Flüchtlingsarbeit, der Kinder und Jugendhilfe oder bei der Förderung von Inklusion: Sozialarbeiter/innen stehen in ihren Berufen vor ganz unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen. Der duale Studiengang „Soziale Arbeit“ deckt die vielen Aspekte dieses Berufsbilds ab und qualifiziert Studierende zu kompetenten Beratern und Unterstützern.
profiles teaser
Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.
Im dualen Studiengang „Wirtschaftsinformatik“ lernen Studierende, betriebswirtschaftliche Problemstellungen aus der Perspektive von IT-Experten zu bewerten. Von der Prozessoptimierung bis zur Unternehmensentwicklung bringen sie ihr Know-how um Datenbanken, Systemsoftware und Big Data gewinnbringend und praxisorientiert in ihre Betriebe ein
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Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bei der Entwicklung neuer Produkte, Baugruppen oder gesamter Fertigungsprozesse spielen technische und wirtschaftliche Faktoren eine Rolle. Im berufsbegleitenden Studium „Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen“ erwerben Studierende Fachwissen aus beiden Bereichen – und damit eine ganzheitliche Perspektive zur Lösung entsprechender Aufgabenstellungen.
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Bachelor of Laws, Master of Laws / LL.B., LL.M.
Wirtschaftswissenschaftler mit juristischer Denkweise gesucht: Der berufsbegleitende Studiengang „Wirtschaftsrecht“ vermittelt sowohl betriebswirtschaftliches Wissen, als auch wesentliches Knowhow in unternehmensrelevanten Rechtsdisziplinen. Ob in arbeitsrechtlichen Fragen im Personalwesen, bei der Mitgestaltung von Verträgen oder beim Thema Compliance – Wirtschaftsjuristen sind gefragt.